Toontown Rewritten:Style manual

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

All pages are to be constructed with professional standards of editing. The style manual is the outline for creating and editing all pages in a consistent, concise, and precise manner. For the most effective editing experience, it is advised to use the source editor.

Language and grammar

Toontown Rewritten is globalized throughout the world, with numerous languages and ethnic groups involved. However, the Toontown Rewritten Wiki's language will be based on American English as it is the primary language of Toontown Rewritten. The difference between American English and other branches of English may pertain to the spelling and grammar of certain words while still having the same context. For example, the spelling of the American English version of "color" is spelled differently than the British English version, "colour", but still has the same meaning. It is preferrable that American English is always used by all Toontown Rewritten Wiki users.

In some cases, language outside of American English may be used for reference. Subjects may indicate the need to include non-American English, such as proper nouns or quotes used by individuals. For example, some Toon Buildings may contain a Spanish word, such as "Casa de Castanets".

Formal and informal

While Toontown generally revolves around silliness, all of the Toontown Rewritten Wiki's pages should be written in a formal definition. Slang and non-official abbreviation should be avoided; all words must be spelled out, unless otherwise subjected to but not limited to: official documentation or quotation.

Furthermore, always write contractions. Never should a page contain contractions, except in use of an artistic work or quotation.

Incorrect: don't, can't, it's
Correct: do not, can not, it is

Additionally, always state clear of the subject. Never should "it" be used even in common knowledge term, unless "it" is clearly defining the subject mentioned.

Incorrect: It is the level 7 Sound gag that is preceded by Foghorn. (What is it?)
Correct: Opera Singer is the level 7 Sound gag that is preceded by Foghorn.

Point of view

All pages are subjected to the third-person point of view. Never should pages contain the first-person (I, me, we, etc.) and second-person (you, your, etc.) point of views. Exceptions to this rule include but not limited to: quotes, titles, or other official documentation. Subjects must also be clear to state what is being stated. Never mention a "player", unless otherwise written from a real world perspective involving the actions of human players.

For example:

Correct: Toons must defeat the Cogs.
Correct: Players control their Toon characters to defeat the Cogs.
Incorrect: The player must defeat the Cogs.
Incorrect: You must defeat the Cogs.


Usage of numbers and whether it should be written as words or numerals depends on the situation.

Whole numbers from one to nine (1-9) should always be written, unless used in a manner of quotation or in association with levels such as the level of gags and Cogs. For levels, always write "level #".

Incorrect: Up to 4 Toons can enter a Cog Building.
Correct: Up to four Toons can enter a Cog Building.
Incorrect: Wedding Cake is the level seven Throw gag that is preceded by Birthday Cake.
Correct: Wedding Cake is the level 7 Throw gag that is preceded by Birthday Cake.

Numbers that can be said in two words or less can be written as words or numerals. Other numbers that take more should be written as numerals, for clarity and to get to the point.

Example: 1/2 or one half, 71 or seventy-one but 71 million, 375, or 4.21. Never 71,000,000 or three hundred and seventy-five.

Use commas to delimit numbers containing five or more digits. Commas on four digits are under the discretion of users but is usually recommended.


All pages are subjected to "sentence-case", in which the first initial letter of a sentence is capitalized while all letters of a word should be lowercase, unless the word is a proper noun or words that are approved to be capitalized. Unnecessary capitalization should always be avoided.

Incorrect: An Unacceptable Usage Of Capitalization or AN UNACCEPTABLE USAGE OF CAPITALIZATION
Correct: An acceptable usage of capitalization

It is important to note that any mention of Toons and Cogs should always be capitalized because they are the main characters (protagonists and antagonists) of Toontown.

Capitalization of definite pages

These definite pages should never be capitalized, unless it is the first word of a title or sentence or an artistic work. Definite pages are "a", "an", and "the".

Incorrect (non-artistic work): This is The Style Manual.
Correct (non-artistic work): This is the style manual.
Incorrect (artistic work): the Mingler
Correct (artistic work): The Mingler
Incorrect (title): Forty Winks For The Price Of Twenty
Correct (title): Forty Winks for the Price of Twenty

Capitalization of conjunctions and prepositions

Here is a list of conjunctions and prepositions.

Conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
Commonly used prepositions: for, with, to, at, of, in

Conjunctions and prepositions should never be capitalized, even in titles, unless it is the first word of a title or sentence.

Incorrect: All For Nautical
Correct: All for Nautical

Page titles, sections, and headings

Page titles

A page title is the name of the page. All page titles should be using sentence-case, unless it is a proper noun. Exceptions may apply if necessary.

  • All titles should be using proper capitalization. All first letters of a title and proper nouns should be capitalized.
  • All titles should be using the singular form. For example, a title should be "Dog" instead of "Dogs". A title may instead be pluralized if necessary. A redirect of a title in either the singular form or the plural form may also be created if necessary.
  • Use parentheses to distinguish titles that have the same name. For example, the NPC "Rose" should be "Rose (NPC)" and the flower "Rose" should be "Rose (flower)".

Page sections

Page sections should never contain links, images, and citation. Sections should always apply the same rules as titles, although sections can either be singular or plural, depending on the situation.

Page bodies

A page body is the content space of a page. This section outlines items that may appear in a page body.


Bolding makes a text or texts appear like this. Three single quote marks (') should be added at each end of a text or texts. Do not use double quote marks (").

For example: '''Bold'''

Bolding should be used on the first appearance of the subject's name.

For example: '''Clerk Clara''' is one of the Gag Shop clerks in Toontown Central.

Bolding should not be used to add emphasis or attention-grabbing.


Italicizing makes a text or texts appear like this. Two single quote marks (') should be added at each end of a text or texts. Do not use double quote marks (").

For example: What is ''that''?

Italics should be used on long works of literature, art, the title of a video game, a film, a television series, a music album, or a painting. Page titles, chapters, sections, songs, television episodes, or other types of short work should not use italics.

Incorrect: Toontown Rewritten (the title of a video game)
Correct: Toontown Rewritten

Italics can also be used to add emphasis to a word or when using quotes. Never italicize surrounding punctuation marks, unless otherwise directed (such as in a quote).


Links should always be applied to the first appearance of a word, if applicable. Never link more than once per page.

Additionally, never link punctuation and other words that are out of context of the original. Any word that appears next to a double-closing bracket will be included in a link. Generally brackets should always be next to the linked word.

Incorrect: [[Toon.]] or [[Toon ]]is
Correct: [[Toon]]. or [[Toon]] is

Sometimes links may need to use a different name to make sentences flow better. If the need arises, use this format to use a different name.

[[Original title|Different name]]
For example, "[[Lil Oldman|Blizzard Wizard]]" will appear as "Blizzard Wizard".

Always be clear when adding links when they are relevant and helpful. Never use links that are out of context or otherwise unhelpful to the reader.

Incorrect: These two are the Gag Shop clerks in Toontown Central.
Correct: Clerk Clara and Clerk Clark are the Gag Shop clerks in Toontown Central.

Captions in images or videos should always have links if applicable.


Images should present a clear focus of the subject. Images should not be out of context, redundant, cluttered, unnecessary, or otherwise obtrusive to the pertaining subject.

For example, an image should not be of a Flunky's back because such an image is unnecessary. Furthermore, GUI and other clutter that do not pertain to the subject (such as but not limited to: Laff Meter, friend list button, Toons) should be omitted as much as possible, including in galleries. GUI can be disabled by pressing F3 and name tags can be disabled by pressing Shift + F3.

Additional rules:

  • Avoid sandwiching images together (by having text between two images). This is known as the "sandwich effect".
  • Avoid stacking images. If an image is right-aligned, the second image should be left-aligned, if applicable. Otherwise, all unnecessary yet relevant images should belong to the gallery. Take note of the "sandwich effect".
  • Captions should be clear and to the point. Leave it short.
    • Any subject that has a page on the Toontown Rewritten Wiki should be linked once.
  • All content-space images should be named appropriately, for clarity and ease of search results. Under no circumstances should a file name use the screenshot file name.
Incorrect: File:Ttr-screenshot-Mon-Feb-02-10-42-03-2015-149421.jpg (unclear, too long, and cannot be easily searched)
Correct: File:The Big Cheese.png (clear, short, and can be searched)

Any images not following the criteria will be deleted.


Templates should be properly placed wherever necessary. Pages should not excessively use templates as it may detract the actual content. Templates should also be clean, clear, and easy-on-the-eyes; templates that are otherwise obtrusive to the content (such as being too bright) should never be used.

  • Categories that are automatically added from the template should not be added again on the page itself. Once is enough, and more will just add clutter and spam.
  • The prefix Template: is unnecessary when using braces ({{ }}).
  • Notices (such as Template:Stub) should be placed at the top. These templates are normally positioned at the very center of the page.
  • Infoboxes (such as Template:Cog) should be placed at the top, unless otherwise specified. These templates are normally positioned on the right side of the page.
  • Listings (such as Template:BuildingList) should be placed at the bottom, before the categories.


Trivia is a miscellaneous yet relevant or "fun-fact" part of a page, usually containing facts that are not self-evident. The trivia section should never be added for the sake of having one, especially without any facts. All facts that are not meant to fit in the body of the page should be moved to the trivia.

  • Opinions should be avoided. Opinions include but are not limited to: "Most Toons think...", or anything bias.
  • Theories should be avoided.
  • Redundancy should be avoided. All facts do not need to be stated more than once.
  • Related facts should be grouped together. Add an indented bullet point if necessary (see "Bullet points").
  • Only add facts that are relevant to the page. For example, the "Bean Counter" page should not have facts about or relating to "Spin Doctor".
  • Toontown Online facts are acceptable but should be relevant to Toontown Rewritten in some way while also being relevant to the page. However, such facts should be minimal, as Toontown Rewritten facts are prioritized.


Galleries should only be added if necessary. Galleries contain images that are relevant yet unhelpful in the main body of a page. All images that do not fit in the body should be moved to the gallery section. Galleries should also be organized. Furthermore, images should not be redundant. If an image is already displaying the main focus or intended focus, another image is not necessary.

In case there are too many images to add onto a simple and short gallery section that could clutter the page, create a separate gallery page. Template:Gallery is added to the "gallery" section of the main page to provide a link to the gallery page.

All rules from the "Images" section also apply. Any image that do not meet the criteria will be deleted.


Categories link all related pages together. Add categories only when necessary; never add redundant categories. Pages should only have categories pertaining to the page. Refrain from adding categories to pages under the same title; such categories will always contain a link to their respective main pages.

Incorrect: The Silly Teams page should not have "Category:Gags".
Correct: The Silly Teams page should have "Category:Silly Meter".

Category pages

Category pages are created when a page is categorized under a specific category. They direct all viewers to related content.

Categories should never be categorized in themselves. Subcategories (sibling categories) should be categorized under the main (parent) categories.

Incorrect: "Category:Cogs" under "Category:Cogs" (it simply creates an endless loop)
Correct: "Category:Sellbots" under "Category:Cogs" (the Sellbots category is now classified as a subcategory for the Cogs category)

However, adding categories within category pages should rarely be necessary, as main pages regarding the same subjects would already contain such categories.


  • Emotion or showing emotion should never be added on a professional document.
  • Always spell out words whenever necessary and avoid abbreviating words.

Numbered list

Numbered lists can be created by using a hashtag (#) at the beginning of a line.

To add another number list, simply add another hashtag after the first one.

For example:

#Step 1
#Step 2
#Step 3

This is correct.

Do not separate each line by a space.

#Step 1

#Step 2

#Step 3

This is incorrect.

Bullet points

Bullet points can be created by using an asterisk (*) at the beginning of a line.

To add an indented bullet point, simply add another asterisk after the first one.

For example:

*Bullet point 1
**Indented bullet point 1
**Indented bullet point 2
***Indented bullet point of indented bullet point 2
*Bullet point 2
*Bullet point 3

Do not separate each line by a space.

*Do not separate

*each line

*by a space.