Donald's Dreamland ToonTasks/Cashbot Cog Disguise (upper right leg)

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

Toons are instructed to visit Nina Nitelight in order to begin this ToonTask and obtain the upper right leg part of the Cashbot Cog Disguise.


  1. Visit Nina Nitelight (Nightstand Furniture Company, Lullaby Lane, Donald's Dreamland)
  2. Visit Hardy O'Toole (Make Your Bed! Hardware Store, Lullaby Lane, Donald's Dreamland)
  3. Deliver a Plain Bed to Nina Nitelight
  4. Visit Hardy O'Toole
  5. Defeat 140 Cogs (Donald's Dreamland)
  6. Return to Hardy O'Toole
  7. Deliver a Fancy Bed to Nina Nitelight