Talk:Bossbot Headquarters/@comment-24874291-20150505063252

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

I decided I'd hug the walls of the entire new Cog HQ to see if there were any buggy collision detection I could use to escape into The Grey. It turns out, all the Cog Golf Course Tunnels are buggy. The first one I found was at the Back 9 to the right of it.

Then you can walk (or float since there isn't gravity there) to the Country Club Castle and bypass the door that you would need a Bossbot Disguise to enter.

This pathway actually has gravity. You can walk all the way up it, but there isn't really an elevator at the top. The pathway has these... walls or railings on either side of it. And to get back into The Grey, you can jump over these railings (preferably high up by where the elevator would be).

The wall surrounding the Country Club Castle is actually there and it may make it harder to get to the Executive Office Tower. If you're up super high, you can just run (or float) over it.

The pathway to the Executive Office Tower doesn't actually have gravity, but there is a small section at the doorstep of the tower that has gravity. It's on the stairs.

If you're on an incline like stairs when you're in The Grey, then you'll keep your incline no matter what direction you face... unless you get caught in another patch of gravity. Then it will recalculate your angle.

In TTO, if you were on a set of regular stairs, but then teleported to someone in The Grey, you'd keep your incline and be able to walk super high, or super low.

In the background of BBHQ, by the castle and tower, there are a bunch of Cog Buildings on the top of the hills. They're actually 2D Images, but that's still really cool. :D

The way this HQ is laid out... It reminds me of ToonFest 2014. It might be a ripple affect.