Loco Locomotive Set

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki
Loco Locomotive Set
Basic information
Type Furniture
Cost 750 tokens

The Loco Locomotive Set is an interactive furniture item that can be purchased from the Cartoonival Tower for 750 tokens.


When interacting with the Loco Locomotive Set, the train leaves the station then enters the tunnel on the tall mountain, pops out of the short track on the mountain while smaller in size and enters the next tunnel, and finally crosses the bridge from the tall mountain towards the smaller mountain. The train either: returns to its normal size, exits the smaller mountain from the other side, and returns to the station; or has a 1/20 chance of becoming much larger, appearing in front of the train set, and running over a Toon if they are close to the set, which then reappears in its normal size above the train set and falls back to the tracks in front of the station in a feather-like descent.


Run over