
From Toontown Rewritten Wiki
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Basic information
Type Tulip
Level Five-jellybean
Value 10 jellybeans
Succeeded by Twolip
Jellybean combination
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Onelip is a five-jellybean flower.


  • The flower's name is a pun on "tulip".
Carnations What-in CarnationInstant CarnationHybrid CarnationSide CarnationModel Carnation
Daffodils Laff-o-dilDaffy DillGiraff-o-dilTime and a half-o-dil
Daisies School DaisyLazy DaisyMidsummer DaisyFreshasa DaisyWhoopsie DaisyUpsy DaisyCrazy DaisyHazy Dazy
Lilies Lily-of-the-AlleyLily PadTiger LilyLivered LilyChili LilySilly LilyIndubitab LilyDilly Lilly
Pansies Dandy PansyChim PansyPotsen PansyMarzi PansySmarty Pansy
Petunias Car PetuniaPlatoonia
Roses Summer's Last RoseCorn RoseTinted RoseStinking RoseIstilla Rose
Tulips OnelipTwolipThreelip
Statues Donald StatueMickey StatueMinnie StatueMickey FountainToon Wave StatueToon Victory StatueToon Authority StatueToon Embrace StatueMelting SnowmanMelting SnowdoodleFlappy Cog