Talk:Toontown Rewritten Team/@comment-

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

"Toontown Offline" is different from "Toontown Rewritten". (I think Toontown Offline v2.0 was made on the Toontown Rewritten Alpha codebase.)

Toontown Rewritten doesn't really have an offline mode for normal players.

The TTR Developers probably have SOME sort of offline version (along with the Dev servers) to test new features though.

Toontown Online and Toontown Rewritten (and Toontown Offline) were built with Panda3D. It's an open source engine that you can download and use for free. If you made a computer generated movie using Panda3D, you wouldn't have to pay Disney any licencing fees to sell that movie. You could use Panda3D to take a look through the Phase Files and view the models and texture maps that the game uses, but you probably won't be able to play anything without coding something yourself.