Phase files

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

Phase files are Panda3D multifiles[1] located at the Toontown Rewritten installation directory of a user's computer. Toontown Rewritten's game assets such as textures, models, and audio are encapsulated within a series of phase files. With support for importing and modifying certain aspects of the phase files, players can customize their in-game experience with content packs.

Below are steps on how to make use of phase files for Windows, macOS, and Linux.


Installing Panda3D

  1. Download the latest stable version of Panda3D by visiting the "SDK Downloads" page from

Extracting phase files

  1. Create a new folder anywhere, preferably Desktop for ease. After creating the new folder, give it a name.
  2. Go to C:/Program Files (x86)/Toontown Rewritten.
  3. Copy all of the .mf files and paste them into the new folder.
  4. Open Command Prompt in that folder by either:
    • Searching for "Command Prompt" and clicking to open a Command Prompt window, then proceeding to the correct directory. For example, if the folder is named "Toontown Rewritten phase files", type cd C:/Users/%username%/Desktop/Toontown Rewritten phase files.
    • Pressing shift and right clicking within the new folder and selecting "Open command window here" if possible.
  5. Extract each phase file by typing multify -x -f from phase_3 to phase_14. Remember to change the number (#) when typing the multify command.

It is commonly possible to get an error saying "'Multify.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." To resolve this, locate the Panda3D installation directory (e.g. C:/Panda3D-1.10.9-x64/bin) and copy the multify.exe binary into the same folder as the phase files.

Building the phase files

  1. Type multify.exe -cf phase_#. Remember to change the number (#) to the corresponding phase folder.
  2. After rebuilding the multifiles, all of the phase files should be ready to use.
  3. Drag completed phase files to where they can be found. Search for C:/Program Files (x86)/Toontown Rewritten and add the phase files to the "resources" folder. A "resources" folder may have to be created if one does not already exist.

After following the above steps, it should be possible to view all of Toontown Rewritten's phase files and edit them in any desired way. For example, JPG files can be edited with graphics editors such as Microsoft Paint (for Windows) and Adobe Photoshop. Audio files from "audio" folders can also be edited but must retain their proper filenames.


Installing Panda3D

  1. Download the latest stable version of Panda3D by visiting the "SDK Downloads" page from

Extracting the phase files

  1. Create a new folder anywhere, preferably Desktop for ease.
  2. Open Finder, press command+shift+G and search for ~/Library/Application Support/Toontown Rewritten.
  3. Open Terminal. Type in cd and append the directory where the phase files are located, then hit enter. If the phase files are located on Desktop, simply type cd Desktop.
  4. Extract each phase file by typing multify -x -f from phase_3 to phase_14. Remember to change the number (#) when typing the multify command.

Building the phase files

  1. Type multify -cf phase_#. Remember to change the number (#) to the corresponding phase folder.
  2. After [re]building the phase files, they should be ready to apply as a content pack.
  3. Copy the newly created phase files into ~/Library/Application Support/Toontown Rewritten/resources. If for some reason there is not already a "resources" folder by default, manually create the folder.

Linux (any distro)

Building Panda3D

Configuring Panda3D for Linux involves extra steps, as Linux users need to build it from source.

  1. Download the latest stable version of Panda3D by visiting the "SDK Downloads" page from
  2. Open a terminal and type cd ~/Downloads.
  3. Type tar -xzf panda3d-[version number] to extract the Panda3D tar ball.
  4. Type cd panda3d-[version number].
  5. Type python makepanda/ --everything --no-gl --no-gles --no-gles2 --no-bullet. Note that it takes time to build Panda3D from source.
  6. Type python makepanda/ --prefix /usr/local.
  7. Type sudo ldconfig.

Some dependencies may be missing for different distros, but default packages for most of the major supported distros should work. Packages are also available for a few distros that may be easier to install.

Extracting the phase files

  1. Create a new folder, copy all phase files from the Toontown Rewritten folder, and paste them into the new folder.
  2. Open a terminal and type cd ~/path/to/[folder name].
  3. Extract each phase file by typing multify -x -f from phase_3 to phase_14. Remember to change the number (#) when typing the multify command.

Building the phase files

  1. Open a terminal and type cd ~/[folder name].
  2. Type multify -cf phase_#. Remember to change the number (#) to the corresponding phase folder.
