Talk:Toon Council Presidential Elections/@comment-24874291-20141216053106

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

There's one trivia point that sounds super weird. I can't tell if it needs to be reworded or completely removed.

The Toon Council Presidential Elections lead to a new storyline of the game depending on whether Slappy or Flippy got elected.

What exactly does this mean? It sounds like it's trying to say that Flippy won the elections in TTO, but Joey said that simply wasn't true. I even put that quote on the Sir Max page.

Originally Posted by joey19982 on 05-27-2014
Originally Posted by BachelorsOfScience on 05-27-2014
This is what I'm thinking about as well. In philosophy, a person who time travels may change indirect or direct causes but the outcome always has to be the same. In TTR, toons voted Slappy as the president. In TTO, Flippy was the president and this most certainly has to be the outcome. Even though Slappy officially won, Flippy became the president anyway because that is the fate.
Slappy won in TTO as well. Flippy has always been the underdog in the Election, but when his best friend was made sad right before his eyes it brought out his true character. If Flippy and Slappy had switched positions, who knows if Toontown would have survived. Slappy didn't have pies.

(Think I need a better way to format his posts.) I will admit it WAS a pivotal part of TTR's timeline...

Well, technically, it's the same timeline. You're just continuing the present from the past. (I put that on Doctor Surlee's page.)

Oh yeah, and I can't tell if the "Goofs" section was removed. I'll probably look for it later. It was pretty interesting stuff that I didn't notice at the time. In case I forget, I'm going to repost that part here.

  • When Flippy posted his first campaign update on the Toontown Rewritten website, he accidentally titled the post as "Flip For Flippy: Cobber the Competition!" when it should be "Flip For Flippy: Clobber the Competition!".
  • Flippy capitalized the letter F in Flip "For" Flippy on his first campaign update. In his other campaign updates, he didn't capitalize the letter f.