Big Magnet

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki
Big Magnet
Basic information
Track Lure
Level 4
Accuracy Low
Base accuracy 65%
Affects All Cogs
Rounds lured 3
Organic boost 75%
Carry capacity
Minimum 5
Maximum 15
Preceded by

$5 Bill

Succeeded by

$10 Bill

Skill points gained
Skill points needed

Big Magnet is the level 4 Lure gag that is preceded by $5 Bill and succeeded by $10 Bill. A Toon obtains the gag by gaining 800 skill points.


  1. The Toon pulls out a Big Magnet and attempts to lure all Cogs in battle.
    • If the gag hits, the Cogs move forward and enter a hypnotized state for 3 rounds.
    • If the gag misses, the Cogs simply do not move forward.


  • Big Magnet used to be red in both Toontown Online and the earlier Beta days of Toontown Rewritten. As of an update that was released on July 4, 2014, the color of Big Magnet was changed to match its icon.