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Bossbot Clubhouse

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki
Bossbot Clubhouse
Basic information
Department Bossbots
Location Bossbot Headquarters
Area information
Special Cogs Version 2.0 Cogs
Boss information
Minimum Cog level 9
Maximum Cog level 14
Boss Cog Chief Executive Officer

The Bossbot Clubhouse is a Cog facility located in Bossbot Headquarters and where the Chief Executive Officer resides. To enter the Bossbot Clubhouse, Toons must enter the lobby. Up to eight Toons can access the elevator leading to the Bossbot Clubhouse and battle the Chief Executive Officer. Only Toons who obtain enough Stock Options for their Bossbot Cog Disguise promotions can access the elevator.


From the far left of Bossbot Headquarters, there is an entrance titled "Bossbot Clubhouse" that takes Toons to the lobby. Entering the lobby reveals a pathway leading to the Bossbot Clubhouse atop a hill, which is surrounded by oily geysers. The lobby appears outside in Bossbot Headquarters rather than within an interior.


The Bossbot Clubhouse has a kitchen where waiters prepare oil cans for the Chief Executive Officer's associates. The Chief Executive Officer and his associates reside in the banquet room that Toons, while disguised as waiters, infiltrate to serve oil cans distributed from the conveyor belts.

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