Half Windsor

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki
Half Windsor
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Basic information
Target One Toon
Minimum damage 6
Maximum damage 23
Strength Moderate
Signature attack? No
Cog performance
Bossbots Head Hunter
Sellbots Mover & Shaker

Half Windsor is a Cog attack that is performed by Mover & Shakers and Head Hunters.


  1. The Cog brings out an orange necktie with green polka dots.
  2. The Cog then throws the tie at the targeted Toon.
    • If the attack hits, the Toon leans their head back and damage is inflicted.
    • If the attack misses, the Toon jumps out of the way and the tie disappears after landing beside them.


  • "You can't afford this tie."
  • "I bet you've never even SEEN a half windsor!"
  • "This tie is out of your league."
  • "I shouldn't even waste this tie on you."
  • "Try not to get too winded."
  • "You're not even worth half of this tie."
  • "This is the fanciest tie you'll ever see!"
  • "You're lucky I don't have a whole windsor."
  • "This isn't even half the trouble you're in."


Head Hunter
Level 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Damage 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Mover & Shaker
Level 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Damage 6 9 11 13 16 18 20 23


  • It is one of three Cog attacks that involves a tie; the other two attacks are Clip on Tie and Power Tie.
  • In the real world, a half-Windsor is one of the knots used for tying a necktie.