
From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

"PLEASE NOTE - The Dusty Bumblejinks seen on Twitter is run by a separate user, and the interactions with that user may not reflect the Dusty seen in-game!"

Dusty Bumblejinks
120 Laff Crimson Red Dog
Drop ( It misses too much )
Organic track:
Cog Disguises
Mr. Hollywood Lvl 50
Robber Baron Lvl 50
Double Talker Lvl 3
Yesman Lvl 5
5/7 Trophies
53/70 Species
Golden Rod
3/4 Trophies
30/40 Species
Silver Shovel
Huge Watering Can
20/30 Trophies
4/30 Trophies
Resistance Rank
Rank 0

Introduction to Dusty Bumblejinks

Dusty Bumblejinks is a young adult, tall, crimson red dog Toon, and a superhero battling to save Toontown from three separate threats: The evil Cogs, random threats that show up on a regular basis, and his arch-nemesis: The vile MYSTERY.

In the past, he'd always fought the Cogs alone, using his superior skill and strength to overpower the Cogs. However, in recent years, he has learned the true value of teamwork when he was saved from certain doom by his own siblings, Snappy, Rosie, and Daffy, and he has since formed an inseparable bond with his two brothers and sister. It's a safe bet that wherever Dusty is, Snappy, Rosie and Daffy aren't far away.

The four Bumblejinks siblings have since formed their own Cog crushing team, with Dusty serving as the leader.

While Dusty was offered a position within the Toon Resistance, he turned them down, believing that he isn't ready for such a responsibility.


Dusty is generally mild-mannered, kind and good-willed toward other Toons, and extremely aggressive toward Cogs. However, step over the line, put one toe out of line, or break a rule, and expect to receive a rather lengthy lecture from him in return. He firmly believes in justice and good will, and will immediately report anybody who he sees breaking the rules. When around a loved one, such as a family member or a close friends, he lowers his guard slightly and becomes more friendly and sociable, as well as either extremely kind or affectionate, depending on his relationship with said individual. It is known that he has a habit of going out of his way to protect the ones he truly, or deeply, cares for, not caring for his own well-being. This seems to imply that he would rather sacrifice himself to save his closest friends, then allow them to fall in front of him. While this has gotten him into trouble more then once, he somehow manages to get out of trouble as quickly as he gets into it.


  • Melody Dandyberry (WIFE)
  • Snappy Bumblejinks (YOUNGER BROTHER)
  • Rosie Bumblejinks (YOUNGER SISTER)
  • Daffy Bumblejinks (YOUNGER BROTHER)
  • Rusty Bumblejinks (GRANDFATHER)
  • Unnamed Mother (MOTHER, DECEASED)
  • Unnamed Father (FATHER, DECEASED)
  • Penny Hucklebee (FRIEND)
  • Penelope Hucklebee (FRIEND)
  • Mystery (ARCH-NEMESIS)
  • Lady Mildew Grumblecrash (ENEMY)


It is widely known that Dusty loves to taunt and insult the Cogs in order to aggravate them, as well as draw laughs from onlookers. Some of his most notable quotes to date are:

  • "Back off, ugly!"
  • "Come on, rusty. Let's dance!"
  • "Another state of the art robot ready for the scrap pile."
  • "I'm gonna blast this guy into next week!"
  • "Looks like they've been RAILROADED!"
  • "Come on, rust bucket!"
  • "Pathetic."
  • "There's no need to fear! Bumblejinks is here!"

While there are a few others he may say, these are his most commonly heard quotes in the game.

Apart from insulting the Cogs, he does enjoy running through high level Cog invasions in Toontown Central, helping little Toons who are in trouble, as well as helping others train their gags.

Another habit he has recently got into is doing multiple C.F.O. runs over and over to collect unites, most notably Toonup Unites, for use in an emergency.


  • Expert at forming a strategy.
  • Superb at back stunning the VP.
  • Has mastered using the cranes in the CFO.
  • Is armed with over 13 years of Toontown experience.
  • Is able to remain calm in tense situations.


  • He's very cocky, almost to a fault.
  • Addicted to killing Cogs.
  • Relatively inexperienced at handling the DA's office.
  • Can become cranky and unstable if kept tethered up for to long.
  • If you ignore him, he'll straight up take off on you.


  • Dusty Bumblejinks was first created in 2008, so technically speaking, the Toon is over 13 years old as of the time of this writing.
    • The character Dusty Bumblejinks seen in-game, as well as elsewhere on the internet, is confirmed to be 24 years old.
    • He is the same age as the online MMORPG Wizard101.
  • Dusty was the first Toon created by user Bulldozerman185. All of his friends and siblings, excluding Melody, followed at various other times, although these times cannot be confirmed.
  • Outside of Toontown, Dusty is seen using a pitch-black policeman's billy club to fight his enemies. This weapon was a hand-me-down from his deceased father, who was a Toontown police officer prior to the Cogs invasion, when Dusty was still a child.
  • His name was selected at random and has stuck with Dusty since.
  • He is often referred to as "The Crimson Canine", which comes from the fact that he is crimson red and often rushes to his next mission objective with great speed.
  • Many of his favorite quotes are from various video games and movies.
    • "There's no need to fear! Bumblejinks is here!" Is obviously from the movie/TV series Underdog.
    • "Back off, ugly!" "Come on, rusty! Let's dance!" "Another state of the art robot ready for the scrap pile!" Are from Spider-Man: The Movie Game for Nintendo GameCube, Playstation 2 and XBox.
    • "GET OUT OF HERE!!", although not confirmed anywhere, is said to be from Wario World for the GameCube.
  • When he was initially created, he was slightly shorter then he is in Rewritten, and his fur was a lighter shade of red. When Toon Rewrites came out, his height and color were changed to make him look more adult-like.
    • This change was made to reflect the age of Dusty's creator, Bulldozerman185, as around the time of this rewrite, this user came of age.
  • It isn't said anywhere, but he apparently had deep feelings for Melody. They were likely love interests when Melody's creator was still alive ( prior to 2015 ).
  • In 2019, Dusty underwent a massive overhaul, becoming more reliant on teamwork with his siblings and taking on Melody as his girlfriend.
    • Dusty and Melody were confirmed to have been married in winter of 2020. This happened due to Bulldozerman185's two best friends, whom he introduced to each other in Toontown Online about 11 years ago, being married on Christmas day of 2020.