Greetings! I'm X-Machinist-X and I'm just a casual player who enjoys videogames. Playing Toontown Rewritten thanks to a friend of mine, after losing the opportunity of playing the original Toontown Online as a kid. :) I'm just here to comment on the Wiki pages and modify the content, if necessary. Quite rarely, by the way.
My Cogs
No longer play the servers, except to see the Minglers. Also, all my toons have gone sad and got a job. :(
- The Mingler - The true Boss is here.
CogTasks For the LOLs
- Steal Pink Slips from the Chief Executive Officer and throw them to the Downsizers
- Mingle with a Mingler and ruin its promotion
- Disguise as a Toon and attack Toons during any Cog Boss battle
- Troll Two-Face by calling it "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde"
- Steal blueprints from a Factory Foreman
- Become the new Chairman
My favorite pages
- The Mingler - Absolutely my most favorite Cog ever!
- Cogs - The concept of the Cogs as businessmen is brilliant, in my opinion. I like every single one in an equal way.
- Skelecogs - Idem here!
- Mega-Invasion - Truly interesting events, useful for training gags.
- Gags - Page contains useful information regarding these "weapons".