Release notes (2014)

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

This page lists release notes for Toontown Rewritten pertaining to updates that were released during the year of 2014.


January 2, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g29233af]


• NPC Toons no longer have a blank chat bubble when first speaking to them.


• The clothing stores are now open! Head on over to a playground to get yourself a new pair.
• You can now use Jellybeans at clothing stores instead of a clothing ticket. The current price is 150 Jellybeans, and you will still be able to obtain a free clothing ticket by completing ToonTasks in the future.

January 3, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g55e8511]


• Whitelist update. Removed a few words that were being abused, and added a ton of new ones.


• Released Toontown Rewritten for Mac OS X 10.8 and up.

January 11, 2014 [ttr-alpha-geb281eb]


• Whitelist update to add a few new popular words
• Add new administrative features, as well as restricting a few spells that we had too much fun with.
• Remove a few calls to ToonTasks until they are implemented.
• Major backend architecture changes to prepare for upcoming updates. (We needed to clean up our mess before making a new one!)


• Stop the Toon Detail Panel from going into a strange position when playing in widescreen.
• Fix a crash when entering Silly Street


• Widescreen support for the Teleport Panel, among other small things we missed
• Updated the Pick-A-Toon screen graphic to look slightly better
• Toon T.A.G.S. Update!
• Never forget who your real friends are! You can now send friend requests to toons.
• Implement whispers to show when a friend comes online or logs off.
• Implement teleporting and whispering to friends. NOTE: Whispering is currently SpeedChat only.
• Removed Disney's 50 friend limit for alpha only. This limit will be added back in the future, but will be expanded to 75 or 100.

January 12, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g6494544]


• Assign a new type of ID to toons in preparation of a future update.


• Fix a server crash relating to friends.
• Fix a bug where some friends would disappear from the list, despite still being friends.

January 13, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g4e14af0]


• Friend lists are actually unlimited now. Whoops!

Launcher (Mac Only):

• Added support for OS X 10.7 Lion
• The app is now signed with an authorized developer certificate. (No more right clicking and choosing open!)
• Fixed a few bugs which caused the app to hang
• Added a new "toon news" view to the chalkboard.
• New icon for the game
• Added a new debug console under the window menu
• The app now shows progress when downloading all the additional content
• Added various sounds inside of the launcher

January 14, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g26b5f19]


• Code cleanup for friends


• Fix a few crashes with friends

January 16, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gdb1992b]


• Possibly fix a bug when two toons enter a door at the same time.
• Fix a graphical bug on the Shtickerbook's Gallery page.


• Taking a screenshot now makes a shutter sound.

January 17, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gca2ed12]


• Screenshots are now saved as PNG files. This is experimental, so please excuse any wacky ones!


• Dog noses no longer appear in front of the camera when viewing from a toon's perspective.


• Added 3 new camera angles: Front, right side, and left side.
• You can now press F3 to turn off the GUI. This is useful for taking snapshots, however you may end up with some strange looking gameplay if you keep it.
• Added a new flash visual to go along with the shutter sound when taking snapshots.

January 18, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g82711b4]


Major Update: Estates, one of the more complex parts of Toontown, are now complete!
• Change the in-game cursor to a glove, as it was in Disney's Toontown
• Add an icon to the game window
• Switch screenshots back to JPG due to some kinks in the client
• Code cleanup


• Fix an issue with friend request timeouts


• Implement basic Toon Estates
Currently, estates don't have too many features other than a private place to talk and explore. More and more features for estates will arrive in the coming days. The main hurdle here was completing the loading system for estates, which is fairly complex.
• Add a new page to the Shtickerbook: Snapshots!
• You can now view all snapshots you have taken in-game from the Shtickerbook
• Add ability to rename and delete snapshots
• Add button to open your TTR screenshot folder

January 19, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g36fce4b]


• Hugely optimize zone and DNA loading
• Code cleanup and optimization for streets
• Change friend teleportation to use a bit more sane method
• Make friend dialogue use the Localizer for future translation support
• Optimize Estate loading


• Fix the cursor and window icon not appearing (For real this time!)


• When you leave your own estate, friends are now kicked out 15 seconds afterwards rather than 5.


• Portable Holes have a new destination! You can now teleport to your friend's Estates.

January 20, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g8adcf25]


• Minor maintenance to nametags and chat bubbles
• Change clicking to only open something on release, rather than on click
• Code cleanup for Snapshots


• Prevent empty screenshot names on the Snapshots page
• Fix crash on Snapshots page for those with no screenshots
• Possibly fix a crash on Macs when clicking "Open Folder"

January 21, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gb0d25ed]


• Fix a crash on the Snapshots page if a picture has been manually moved or deleted
• Fix Widescreen support for Match Minnie


• Add fishing to Estates. All fish in Toontown can now be caught!

January 22, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gf223ff6]


• Temporarily changed some sign fonts from "ImpressBT" to "Humanism" until an issue is worked out with it.


• Painted all empty signs in Toontown -- both streets and buildings.

January 23, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g28b80fe]


• Update a few things for future localization support
• Improve back-end Estate loading


• Fix a bug that prevented racing trophies from being earned
• Fix "Open Folder" button on the Snapshots Page for OSX


• Add Knock-Knock doors to all streets for Knational Knock-Knock day
• Jokes that came from contest winners show the winner name rather than "Door" when telling a joke. You can find all of the winning jokes (Including Honorable Mentions) on Silly Street.

January 24, 2014 [ttr-alpha-ga22770c]


• Major back-end changes and optimization


• Fix an old crash with fishing
• Update house names when a toon has been renamed (Usually from name approval.)

January 25, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g0bb22d5]


• Updated parts of Panda3D for furniture support
• Rollback yesterday's back-end update due to crashes


• Implement house decorating
• Clarabelle sent out a sampler package packed to the brim with furniture for every house in Toontown! We've set it up for you free of charge -- just stop by Clarabelle sometime.
Clarabelle's Cattlelog is ready for business! Give her a call and order some furniture. For her grand opening, a new series of the cattlelog will come out every day.
Whew! We're wiped out from setting all of those sampler packages. The cattlelog opening is postponed until we can get some more stock made.

January 27, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gecb3da2]


• Whitelist Update


• Fix an issue with our distribution server that prevented Panda3D from being updated properly
• Fix a crash when moving furniture due to Panda3D not being updated properly

January 29, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g0960dfe]


• Fix an issue where the screenshot flash would effect the color of other overlays


• Slightly improve transition of House Decorating GUI


• Add widescreen support for the House Decorating GUI
• You can now press Command + Q to close the game on OSX

January 31, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gTBA]


• Added a bunch of new words to the Whitelist


February 1, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g80bc887]


• Many protocol and architecture changes for parties


• Fix some overlays being white rather than grey


• Added Party Planners to every neighborhood
• The Party Gates are open!
• To celebrate this week of Preposterous Parties, everyone can plan their own party for free!
• Spring into the air to collect Jellybeans with Toontastic Trampolines
• Enjoy some toony tunes at the Jukebox (Both 20 and 40 songs)
• End your party fun with a Grand Firework Display!
• Added Command + M and Command + H to maximize and hide the game window on OSX

February 2, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g7a0f0d5]


• Party Code Cleanup
• Rewrite Party ID Allocation


• Prevent a potential crash relating to trampolines
• Fix a district reset due to player counts in parties
• Control + H now actually hides the window on OSX
• Repair the Party Gate from Sir Max's crashes


• Implement Party Decorations. Don't forget to vote for the next activity!
We would have implemented cannons as voted, but Sir Max used up all of the gunpowder with his crashes. Sorry!

February 3, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gd916c4a]


• Fix an issue with the server. Sorry for the downtime!
• Added support for 24 hour time format (For future translations)


• Fix a bug where the host of a party couldn't enter his own party through the Party Gate


• Re-order the Party Activity list when planning a party


• Widescreen support for the trampoline GUI
• Add Dance Floors to parties. (I dare you to learn all of the moves without looking them up!)

February 4, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gf52d7a4]


• Major rewrites and code cleanup for Parties


• Fix a handful of district resets caused by parties
• The Party Gate now shows the correct amount of people in a party
• Fix an issue where toons couldn't start their party from the Schtickerbook
• Fix a crash relating to trampolines
• Error messages for full or ended parties now show up correctly
• Parties now end on time. Too bad it can't last forever!

February 5, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gf715a71]


• Code cleanup
• Fix a crash related to the Party Hat Icon
• Correct a few issues with the Trampoline Reward
• Fix an issue where you could start your party more than once
• Fix the Jukebox's animation
• Party Planners no longer remind you to start your party after it has already started

Launcher (OSX Only):

• Fix a crash on OSX 10.7.5
• Added a snapshot manager under the "View" menu
• Renamed launcher and game window
• Added an option to use the Toontown cursor on the launcher window

February 6, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gd2eabd0]


• Fix an issue where Party Fireworks would restart for toons who join a party after they had already ended.

February 7, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gbb662d2]


• Minor code cleanup for new version of Panda


• Correct party endings


• Add Party Cannons
• Add Party Catch
• Add original Toontown theme to jukeboxes

February 8, 2014 [ttr-alpha-ge2dfe9c]


• Replace a few functions that cause crashes due to the python injection fix


• Prevent a couple more server crashes related to parties
• Possibly fix a district reset relating to the Catching Game
• Fix a client crash when firing cannons


• Rename the 20 and 40 song Jukebox to "Jukebox" and "Deluxe Jukebox"

February 15, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g2e18480]


• Implement full framework for the upcoming event we talked about: The Toon Council Presidential Election
• Major backend code rework in preparation for the event
• Clean up log files to be a bit niftier


• Chatter of the election is all abuzz with shopkeepers and toons far and wide talking about it. Who will win?
• Toontown Central is fancier than ever with new props for the upcoming election.
• Flippy and Slappy stopped by to get a head start on setting up their campaign stands. They'll be sure to make use of them in the upcoming days!

February 17, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gf22f5c5]


• Fix a crash on Trolley Games introduced with Saturday's cleanup
• Downscale a few of the new textures for lower-end computers


• Rearrange some of the election props to make it less cramped
• Flippy has started his campaign! Who will win you over, him or Slappy?
• Put a portable hole at the bottom of Flippy's wheelbarrow to deliver an endless amount of Cream pies
• Flippy's Campaign stand is open for business!

February 19, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gc1aac77]


• Fix an exploit allowing toons to get into under construction areas


• Added a couple of new SpeedChat election phrases
• Slappy's campaign is ready and going strong!
• Repaint Slappy's stand sign
• Fill up Slappy's stand with a bunch of Jellybeans to give to others
• Distribute "Unites" out to the citizens of Toontown. Four Jellybean unites and two cream pie unites. Don't spend them all in one place!

February 21, 2014 [ttr-alpha-ga587aa6]


• Fix jellybean texture in Slappy's stand (Thanks Sweet!)


• Flippy has taught everyone a new pie throwing technique, making it easier to have battles against smaller toons

February 22, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gTBA]


• Fix a few minor problems with election props
• Flippy and Slappy's stands have been reportedly seen getting some occasional pre-election jitters. Scientists are saying that they are starting to come to life from all of this silliness!

Launcher (OSX):

• Fix a major issue causing in-game sound not to play
• Fix an occasional crash when launching the game

February 25, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gf581167]


• Code cleanup for the election event


• Repainted the podium


• Repair Slappy's Balloon and fly it into Toontown Central. Stop by and see him for a nice chat in the sky!

February 27, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gTBA]


• Flippy went through and repainted a few of the election props for us, generating even more silliness!


• Slappy's phrases are now the same for every client, rather than each client picking their own phrase for him to say.


March 4, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g2c1105a]


• Fix an old bug where Shopkeeper toons would only play a sound on their first phrase during cutscenes.


• Flippy has taken up his free time to camp out in Toontown Central and talk with all of you! Head on over to his stand and use the SpeedChat to talk to him.

March 17, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g7347e0a]


• Whitelist update
• Code cleanup in preparation for the Election


• Flippy found some leftover fireworks in his estate, and has decided to end the election with a bang! They'll be airing in every playground every hour.
• The silliness from these rockets was enough to animate Flippy's campaign stand! Stop by and grab some pies and give it a high five!

March 18, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gebe43f9]


• Smoothed the sailing of Slappy's Balloon


• Those stands either really love cake, or really love watching McQuack blow up. Slappy's stand has sucked in some silliness and sprang to life!
• The green goop from the cake's icing got all over Slappy's stand, but luckily it cleaned itself up and put the goop into a jar for any toons who'd like to go green for a day.

March 26, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g6dd31e9]


• Issued recall on Trolley-bots

March 30, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g5db1723]


• Code cleanup on Playgrounds
• Added more sanity checks to toons to prevent hacked/glitched DNA


• Kicked the elephant out of the room and patched up a few broken collisions that allowed people to glitch into the grey.
• Added collisions to a fence in Donald's Dock. Only took 11 years!
• Patched up a hole in Minnie's Melodyland which was introduced when parties were originally added in Toontown Online.
• If you know of any other places that let you glitch into areas that you shouldn't be able to get to, let us know! We'll be patching up all of the elephant holes that we can find.


• Implemented basic True Friends, which are currently only being tested with a select group of people due to us being unable to strictly moderate it during alpha.
• Installed new periscopes and telescopes to Toon HQs in every playground
• A flower finally bloomed on the hat of the HQ in Daisy Gardens. That stem has been there for years without blossoming!

March 31, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g65404ed]


• Clean up the new collisions a bit
• Update whitelist


• Tighten bolts on the Toon HQ periscopes and telescopes to move properly
• The elephant hunt continues!
• Patched up a hole in Daisy Gardens between the hedge and walkway
• Fixed another hole between the bedposts in Donald's Dreamland
• Rebuilt a few walls in the streets of Toontown Central
• Regrew some hedges in Acorn Acres so they can't be jumped over
• Please keep reporting the holes you find! Note that some bigger holes may take more than one day to fix.


April 1, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g16cf4ca]


April 5, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gTBA]


• Holiday code cleanup, to allow us to better create and manage events in the future
• Fix up a few backend functions


• A geyser has sprung up in Acorn Acres! Head over there and hop on -- but careful, it's hot.
• Sir Max pushed another one of his buttons and lowered the gravity everywhere. This is just a small step to his silliness, so one can only imagine what's coming up next.
• Finished trolleybot recall

April 6, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gbe82734]


• Miscellaneous code cleanup
• Some work on administrative features
• Begin optimizing a few portions of the server code


• Fix a crash on streets relating to the April Toon's piano gag
• Remove Roger Dog from the random effects to prevent some rare crashes and freezes
• Fix up party cannons to work properly when landing


• Give everyone a spiffy party hat in celebration of Sir Max's Birthday
• Replace Flippy's pies with Birthday Cakes for the same reason

April 9, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gb6d7925]


• Optimized server-side code a tad
• Took away Sir Max's stolen controller and put everything back to normal. Let's hope that it won't happen again next year!

April 17, 2014 [ttr-alpha-geffaa76]


• Optimize a couple of election prop models
• Significantly improve game performance.
Throughout the next few weeks, we will have a few updates focusing on improving gameplay on lower-end computers. You should notice a big difference today!
Alpha Testers: We'd appreciate it if you can try to organize large groups of toons to test out client performance. Let us know how things go!


• Fix an issue where toons could bypass the election rope.


• Loony Lab's Toon T.A.G.S. received an update!
• Improve nametag clicking in the margins
• Properly manage nametag click region
• Add click-frame management
• Various performance and ease-of-use improvements


May 17, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.0]


Major Update: The loading system has been completely rewritten!
Back in November, we put together a newly reworked and optimized loading system. Unhappy with our previous work, we went back and redid it one more time to be faster and more reliable, as well as an improved format.
• Sent out street sweepers to clear out the weird patterns on streets.
• In-game kick messages now show a reason.
Major Update: Backend changes!
• Migrate to new servers in preparation for the public launch. We will be tweaking and updating these servers throughout Beta, so please bear with us when we have to bring them down for maintenance!
• The update system is now completely automated so that districts can be spun up in a flash.
• Implement the "Queue" system!
To keep the servers from being constantly pounded on, occasionally you may have to wait in a queue for a few seconds before logging in. This will make sure that everyone can have a good time playing and give us proper time to launch a new district when there is high load. Give us some feedback on what you think!
• The Launcher has been updated to be a bit more user-friendly, as well as implement better patching
• Fix a couple of issues relating to the sound effect library.
• Major code cleanup all-around.


• You can no longer teleport to a friend in a full district once a certain limit of toons has been reached.
This is to encourage people to spread out among other districts and put an end to "parkers", rather than crowding into one massive district.
• Added in an unused animation for the Cog's reaction to a Fire Hose.
• Cogs now sway back and forth when lured to show that they are stunned.
• Added sound effects for Schmooze and Half Windsor attacks.


The Cogs have invaded Toontown!
• Every Toon HQ all over Toontown is now offering ToonTasks!
Because of the lack of HQs in this build, you can currently only progress up to Daisy Gardens.
• Goofy's Gag Shop is stocked up and open for business!
• The Toon Council now sends you a complementary whisper to let you know when your name is approved.
• The Cogs have stepped up their efforts, and their master plan has begun. The streets are being bombarded with random Invasions and Cog Buildings!
• Tutorial Tom has opened up his Toontorial to new toons from far and wide to learn about Cogs and how to handle them. Be sure to stop by!
• You can now earn Beta Keys to give to friends through random in-game ToonTasks! They are a bit rare to get right now, so keep your eyes peeled!
• And many, many other things that we can't even count!

May 17, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.1]


• Fix a client crash related to the Toon Platoon
• Fix issues related to ToonTasks disappearing

May 18, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.2]


• Fix a server crash related to the Toon Platoon
• Show the number of Total Toons Online in the Shtiker Book

May 18, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.3]


• Fix Building tasks not properly getting marked as completed
• Fix a Toon Platoon malfunction

May 18, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.4]


• Fix Building tasks not properly getting marked as completed
• Fix a Toon Platoon malfunction

May 18, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.5]


• Fix a server crash relating to ToonTasks

May 19, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.6]


• Engine Update: Make improvements to the lag freezes some people were experiencing on Windows


• Fix a bug where a gag wasn't taken away when turned in for a task
• Remove a leftover shortcut for skipping the reward screen
• Fix a bug relating to NPC spawning

May 20, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.7]


• Add a few new words to the chat whitelist
• Engine Update: Improve performance and other miscellaneous updates


• Potentially fix an issue with friends causing the "Error 117" bug
• Fix stuttering when a new Toon or Cog is loaded into the area on Windows

May 21, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.0]


• Add even more words to the whitelist
• Upgrade server in preparation for Cog HQ updates


• Fix a disconnection issue introduced with yesterday's update


• Oak Street has been built and is open for tasking!
• Toons can now progress all the way to Donald's Dreamland for ToonTasks
• The Toon Resistance has discovered factory on the outskirts of Daisy Gardens... Sellbot HQ is now open!
• Cog Disguises can now be obtained for Sellbot HQ
• Implement the VP Battle and framework for other Cog bosses
• Implement Boarding Groups

May 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.1]


• Add new words to the whitelist relating to tasks
• Experimental: Improve client performance by caching toon models and textures in the memory. Keep an eye out for bugs!


• Fix a crash in the Sellbot Towers Lobby
• Potentially fix a crash relating to Cog Buildings
• Don't check for found ToonTask items if the task has already been completed

May 23, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.2]


• Even more whitelist additions!
• Upgrade a few parts of the Internal Repository for new database handling


• You can now see nametags on the side of the screen during a battle
• Fix a common crash when entering Sellbot HQ and other Cog-heavy areas
• Fix a building crash relating to NPCs


• Polar Place has opened to the public! If you picked a Polar Place task, it can now be completed.

May 24, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.3]


• Custom "Phase Files" can now be loaded from the resources folder


• Fix a crash at the end of the V.P. battle


• Improve dialogue for a handful of ToonTasks in Toontown Central

May 26, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.4]


• Added Resistance-related words to the whitelist
• A bit of server-side maintenance


• Fix a rare district reset relating to fishing
• Big Wigs now use the proper attack phrases for "Finger Wag"
• Prevent a few screw-ups with street Cogs, such as joining battles from far away and walking across sidewalks


• You can now use SpeedChat+ in Whispers! These are closely moderated, though, so make sure to behave.
• Version 2.0 Cogs have taken over Toontown! Over the next few days, be on the watch for them throughout the streets.

May 26, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.5]


• Fix an occasional crash with SpeedChat+ Whispers

May 31, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.8]


• Patch up an issue relating to furniture which caused a severe memory leak, leading to server lag


• Low-tier NPCs (Field Offices) are no longer taken to the VP's cage
• Fix collisions on the VP's cage when trying to reach pies
• Mac OSX Bugfixes:
• You can now properly turn music and sound effects off
• Graphics now look how they should on NVIDIA Graphics Cards
• Various performance and resource optimizations


• Toon HQ has released 11 110 more beta key ToonTasks! They are available at any Playground past Daisy Gardens.
• The chances of getting a Beta Key ToonTask have been doubled.
• Pajama Place is now open for tasking!


June 5, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.0]


• Add more words to the Whitelist relating to Semi-Open Beta


• Other player's whispers are no longer logged. No more spying!
• Fix an issue where occasionally a whisper would appear to send to the wrong person ("AnotherToon is sleeping")


• The Toon Resistance, with the help of Doctor Surlee and Whispering Willow, have discovered Cashbot HQ!
• Toons can now complete ToonTasks through Cashbot HQ
• The C.F.O. can now be battled in the Cashbot vault


• Add a better layout for PlayTime and PlayLine pages
• Fixed an occasional bug with the PlayLine where it would put you back at 30 minutes after hitting 0
• Add more sanity checks and improvements to prevent spots in line being reset on unstable connections
• Numerous bugfixes and improvements to the PlayLine to hopefully ensure stability for those having problems.
Once the problems are confirmed to have stabilized, we'll be able to open up more slots for people to get in and speed up the wait time. PlayLine and PlayTime are still very experimental, so thanks for sticking with us as we improve them!

June 9, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.1]


• Another big Whitelist update. Keep giving us words to add so we can make chatting easier for everyone!


• Fix a server crash relating to friends when deleting a toon
• Prevent a handful of nasty crashes relating to bad field updates


• Fix a typo in certain disconnection messages
• Modernize dialogue for a few shopkeepers in Toontown Central


• Toon HQ has passed out 190 more beta key tasks!


• Fix an issue with upgrading existing accounts with Beta Keys
• Change PlayLine timeout time from 5 minutes to 15 minutes
• Change PlayLine refresh rate from 45 seconds to 2 minutes
• Many stability and performance improvements with the Semi-Open Beta system. Thanks for giving us feedback!

June 9, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.2]


• Fixed a client crash related to networking
• Return Toons to their idle animation after using the 'drinking' animation

June 10, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.3]


• Fix a major common crash relating to "SfxPlayer"
• Fix an occasional crash when entering buildings
• Rewrite major portions of golf to fix physics issues among other bugs


• Open up Chip and Dale's Minigolf to all toons
• Make key tasks slightly more common to find

June 13, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.4]


• Major whitelist update taken from MMO Central's Whitelist suggestion thread. Thanks guys!\r


• Whispers and nametags no longer overlap the friends list
• Fix a crash relating to Street Maps
• Potentially fix a crash with Ice Slide
• Fix a server crash relating to friends
• Stop sending PlayTime whispers if a player redeems a beta key
• "New Toon" tasks now properly keep track of the amount of new players in battle


• Improve Whisper GUI with long names
• Improve animations and GUI on Treasure Dive
• Girl dogs now have properly placed eyelashes. Thanks Toonblr!
• Adjust transparency on the Portable Hole to be a perfect circle


• Cats can now head over to the Toon Hall for a coat of black fur (or paint?) from Flippy! Be careful - that stuff is permanent!

June 16, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.5]


• Improve the collisions of small goons in the CFO
• Fix a glitch with boarding groups which could be abused to trap toons in an elevator
• Patch up a few server-side memory leaks
• Prevent a district reset caused by the Toontorial
• Fix a server-side crash related to Friends
• Fix a long-standing bug where Toons would have trouble teleporting to their friends on the street

June 17, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.6]


• Fix a rare issue where Toon Names would get lost in the pipes and never reviewed
• Improve security to disallow modified or hacked clients from being able to connect to the game directly through the source code


• Allow more treasures to be spawned in Playgrounds to fit the rising player amount

June 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.7]


• Overall performance and stability enhancements


• Properly fix a server crash relating to friends
• Fix a server crash when buying clothes from Tailors
• Fix doors on the Donald's Dreamland Toon HQ
• Correct a grammatical error on the Sellbot HQ ToonTask


• Improve TNT throwing animation


• Re-enabled tailors
• Toon T.A.G.S. have received an update!
• Whispers can now be clicked on to reply to the message
• Added widescreen support for margins (In the future, margins will be calculated based on how many pixels are shown. Right now they are at a fixed amount.)

June 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.8]


• Emergency fix for a fishing bug that would cause a district reset

June 26, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.10]


• Code cleanup and improvements for Toon T.A.G.S.
• Backend administration updates


• Update click region of whispers to be more reliable
• Show the correct color for Animation whispers
• Add widescreen support for the Cog Gallery page
• Potential fix for "ghosts" that appear when players disconnect uncleanly


• Improve the animation of "Fountain Pen" and "Fill with Lead" attacks
• Improve animation and camera position for the "Train" trap gag
• Improve teleportation animation so that shadows and nametags aren't left behind after teleporting


• Discover Doctor Surlee's teleportation bypasses

June 27, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.0]


• Fix a crash relating to Toon T.A.G.S.
• Fix a bug where the DA office door would require a Cog Disguise to get out
• Spawn jury chairs before the elevator opens in the C.J. Battle to prevent a visual glitch'


• Add visual Laff Meters to the final round of all boss battles
• Add an animation when Cogs are stunned in the C.J. Battle.


• Build a tunnel to the player-discovered Lawbot HQ
• Implement the Lawbot DA Offices and Chief Justice battle


July 5, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.1]


• Improve racing code to prevent exploits
Experimental: Turn on anti-aliasing by default
• Reduce logging of Cog pathfinding
• Implement Official Invasion API. In the future, the API will only show detailed stats for toon-summoned invasions. We never know when those baddies will attack! Due to the limited amount of invasions, it currently shows random invasions as well.


• Prevent a crash when using Shift+F1 in a Cog HQ Interior area
• Fix a bug where all DA Office elevators would lead to Office A
• Prevent a rare crash when loading Shtickerbook settings
• Fix an OSX crash that would commonly occur during boss battles


• Big Magnets are now blue to match their icon
• Tweak random invasion probabilities and length based on community feedback


• Improve Firework shows with the "new" Firework system. Toontown Online originally changed the fireworks to a new type at some point in its lifetime. The old system was previously used on Toontown Rewritten due to an engine incompatibility, which has since been fixed. Enjoy the better looking Fireworks!
• The Legal Eagles aren't too happy with throwing explosions into their airspace. Legal Eagle Mega-Invasions have begun!

July 5, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.2]


• Various server stability enhancements.
• Add 800 new words to the Whitelist. Thanks for the suggestions!
• Custom resources now only loads textures and sounds to prevent cheating by editing/removing models.
• Disable Experimental anti-aliasing by default due to graphics card incompatibilities. For those who want to continue helping us test out this experimental feature, you can turn it on again by modifying "settings.json" in your Toontown Rewritten folder.


• General PlayLine stability improvements.
• PlayTime and PlayLine slots have been increased to 45 Toons.
• PlayTime slots are now released every 3 hours, rather than every 24 hours. If you miss one set, wait 3 hours and grab another!

July 6, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.3]


• Code cleanup for the holiday manager


• Potentially fix an issue where no "Just for Fun" tasks are assigned after completing all story quests


• Release an additional 600 Beta Key ToonTasks. Go get 'em!
• Probabilities of finding a Beta Key ToonTask have been lowered to make sure everyone gets a fair chance of finding one.
• Toons who have already completed a Beta Key ToonTask can now receive another. Each account can hold up to 3 Beta Keys.

July 11, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.4]


• Major cleanup for the Treasure Dive minigame


• Fix a "white screen" bug after using the snapshot key
• Improve snapshots so that the flash effect won't interfere when taking multiple pictures
• v2.0 and Skelecog Invasions no longer affect the Cogs in Cog HQs
• Correct a visual issue with the Shtickerbook when fireworks start
• Fix an issue where Toons would occasionally gain Laff Points outside of Playgrounds
• Refactor Treasure Dive's logic to fix a few crashes, prevent false-positive logs, and correct an issue where Toons would be unable to throw treasures after touching a crab and chest at once


• Estates now have Popsicle treasures that restore 2 Laff Points

July 12, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.5]


• Fix a few issues with update deployment


• Fix a server crash relating to the Cog Path Planner
• Prevent Popsicles from causing a server meltdown by melting improperly after someone leaves their estate

July 12, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.6]


• Fix a server crash relating to an experimental anti-exploit system currently in testing

July 13, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.7]


• Fix a server-side memory leak that had been impacting game performance


• Fix grammar on Mr. Hollywood taunts

July 19, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.8]


• Increase the amount of Toons that can be in a district
• Add all Pick-a-Name combinations to the whitelist
• Add a handful of community-suggested words to the whitelist (1,914 new words!)


• Fix a crash relating to Cog building elevators
• Fix a crash when using SpeedChat in Trolley Games


• Increase the rate of discovering key tasks to help out Double Access Players
• Patch up an exploit found in the teleportation system created by Doctor Surlee

July 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.9]


• Add a sanity check to keep track of Districts in case of freezing
• Improve Cog path-finding algorithm to be more efficient
• Major all-around code cleanup


• Raise the max amount of experience points per battle to 300 (Previously 200)

July 26, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.10]

Maintenance: • Add SSL support between the client and server connection

• Fix a memory leak in the database server
• Various stability and performance improvements


• Fix a district reset relating to an unimplemented feature.
• Implement a task to check if a Toon is "ghosting", which creates issues when a Toon disconnects uncleanly. This is a preemptive measure until the main issue is fixed.


• Howdy!

July 31, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.11]


• Raise district population limits


• Fix butterflies and the giant flower not appearing in Daisy Gardens
• Clothing Tickets can now be properly redeemed at a Tailor in addition to buying with Jellybeans
• Fix a bug introduced in the last update which would falsely report that someone has logged onto your account


• Using "Shuffle Colors" in the Make-a-Toon will now shuffle all body colors, rather than a single solid color


• Toon HQ has been stocked up with 500 new Beta Key ToonTasks!
• You can now view when a friend was last online using the Toon Detail Panel


August 2, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.15]


• Patch up an exploit relating to packet manipulation
• Code cleanup and optimizations for SpeedChat+
• Implement experimental smart moderation tools to improve the safety and ease of use of SpeedChat+


• Fix a bug where Toons would be falsely disconnected from the game
• Correct a typo with Bloodsucker taunts
• Repaint the Daisy Garden's HQ to its proper color
• Fix geometry and texture map on Cashbot HQ cash registers


• Improve Blue Magnet texture

August 6, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.16]


• Whitelist and moderation update


• Put an end to a major reoccurring issue where Toons would create "ghosts" when disconnecting uncleanly
• Resize the reward screen to fit all elements
• Fix typos in Toontown Central's task line


• Improve reward screen experience length
• Make Beta Key ToonTasks more common


• Clean up the PlayLine and fix an issue causing occasional line resets

August 12, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.4.0]


• Major code cleanup for estates.
• Add a few sanity checks to prevent Toon DNA exploiting.


• Mailboxes no longer spawn in front of vacant houses.
• Furniture items can now be properly deleted


• Jellybean Banks can now hold 15,000 Jellybeans.
• Clarabelle now has her own studio, rather than a grey area.
• Clarabelle Cow can speak! We've given Clarabelle some new voice recordings, courtesy of Jacob Eiseman.


• Estates have been redesigned! You'll find an all-new layout upon entering your home.
• Bean Banks and Wardrobes are in stock! Any clothes or beans that you have saved up will already be in there, free of charge.
• Toons can now buy different nametag fonts and custom SpeedChat phrases.
• Clarabelle has finally gotten her phone-in furniture service afoot, and has given all Toons a free phone to start it off! Give her a call to order furniture, wallpaper, clothes, and more!

August 17, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.4.1]


• Overall code cleanup.


• Fix a glitch allowing Toons to be invisible outside of their estate.
• Fix a crash when walking up to a Knock-knock Door.
• Fix an exploit allowing locked animations to be purchased.
• Prevent a server crash relating to house decoration.
• Use the proper font for Cog Boss speech.
• Correct a few typos in ToonTask dialogue and Cog speech.


• Decrease initial scale of the phone.
• Interactable items (Phone, Bean Bank, etc.) can now be placed in the attic.
• Change the default bank name to "Jellybean Bank" -- 1000 Bean Banks are no longer used as per a Disney update.


September 12, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.4.2]


• Tweak Invasion probabilities


• Code cleanup
• SSL cleanup

September 12, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.4.3]


• Fix "Connection Hiccups" occurring at an unreasonable rate

September 12, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.4.4]


• Fix Ice Game crashes
• Fix a Racing Crash
• Fix a rare Racing District Reset
• Fix a slightly-less rare Racing District Reset
• Fix crashes in the DA's Office or the Cashbot Mint

September 19, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.0]


• Engine Update:
• Significantly improve client performance
• Implement multithreading support
• Fix a bug where music would turn back on after leaving an area despite being turned off in settings


• Implement ToonFest 2014!
• Open tunnel in Acorn Acres
• Implement Picnic Tables & Games
• Bring back a bunch of fun activities from the past
• ...And a whole lot more!

September 20, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.1]


• Engine Update: Further improve client performance


• Fix the new clothing items to go with their proper pairs
• Fix fonts being wonky on the new engine

September 20, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.2]


• Toons are now put into the district with the lowest population upon login, rather than trying to fill up existing districts.


• Fix a handful of reported ToonFest crashes

September 20, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.3]


• Fix district resets relating to ToonFest


• Give Fluffy his original look from Toontown Online

September 21, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.4]


• Fix a bunch of miscellaneous district resets and crashes
• Potentially correct an auth server issue relating to friends

September 21, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.5]


• Fix a district reset relating to Estates
• Fix an occasional server crash when winning Chinese Checkers

September 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.6]


• Refactor the friends list to increase stability
• Rewrite estate loading for performance and stability


• Fix a district reset relating to fishing
• Prevent a crash relating to missing friend lists

September 26, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.7]


• Fix a crash with Find Four


• Convince Alec Tinn to get over his fear of heights to run the balloon
• Launch the ToonFest Finale Fireworks!

September 27, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.8]


• Fix a bug where new Toons would get stuck if they teleported out of Toontown Central before finishing the Trolley task.


• Allow teleport access to Chip and Dale's Acorn Acres.


• Close up ToonFest until next time. See you next year!


October 3, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.9]


• Engine update! We've fixed a few bugs and improved performance further.


• Fix mismatched textures for Halloween clothing
• Fix an occasional crash when clicking on the Cattlelog button
• Tutorial Tom's chat bubble is no longer cut out of the screen in the Toontorial
• Tutorial Tom's legs are no longer missing after the Flunky battle
• Toons can no longer take over Shep Ahoy's shop with a Cog Building summons (ToonTask buildings aren't supposed to be able to be taken over by Toons!)


• Swap out a few Cattlelog SpeedChat phrases which are no longer required to be purchased


• Add a fishing pond to Acorn Acres, watched over by Fisherman Nutty.
• By popular demand, bring back the ToonFest game tables! They're scattered through Acorn Acres.

October 5, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.10]


• Fix a district reset

October 5, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.11]


• Implement some significant server-side performance improvements


• Fix a racing trophy bug causing some Toons to gain improper amounts of Laff. Don't worry, we fixed you up!
• Fix a mess of issues causing lag and database errors

October 9, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.12]


• Turn on the experimental Laff corrector, a system used to prevent bugs and exploits relating to Laff points. Let us know if you have any oddities!


• Fix Toons that were missing a Laff point from fishing at the beginning of Beta.
• Fix Toons who received extra laff points via a now-patched racing exploit.

October 10, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.13]


• Engine update! You'll notice some significant performance improvements, along with a few other neat features.


• Patch up a major bug that would cause stuttering and freezing when a Toon is loaded into an area.
• Fix a few issues with the Laff corrector.


• Double Experience Weekend has begun!
• The Resistance Salute is now available by helping out a certain Whispering Willow in Donald's Dreamland...
• Abominable SnowToons have been spotted in the Brrrgh! I wonder if it has anything to do with that Polar Bear on Polar Place...

October 10, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.14]


• Double Experience Weekend now affects invasions as well.

October 10, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.15]


• Fix an issue with some Toons getting stuck on "Just for Fun!" ToonTasks.
• Double Experience Weekend now properly affects Cog Buildings.

October 18, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.0]


• Improve chat logging
• Code cleanup for doors to improve performance and fix a few bugs
• Introduce a major server-sided engine update


• Fix a handful of major client crashes. You should notice a big improvement!
• Fix a server-sided memory leak relating to estates


• Accessories have arrived! Every Toon will receive a trunk in their mailbox after stopping by their house.
• Redo the art direction of accessories to improve the look and quality of many of them. Let us know what you think!
• Add two new Halloween Costumes: A Witch and a Jester!

October 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.2]


• Major Accessories and Closet cleanup


• Fix a district reset relating to accessories
• Fix a bug where some Toons received too many Trunks in the mail
• Properly set accessories when logging back into the game

October 23, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.3]


• Fix a server-sided engine issue


• Fix an issue where the mailbox would be accidentally cleared if the Toon had extra Accessory Trunks.

October 25, 2014 [ttr-beta-1.6.4]


• Implement the Holiday Manager for better event management. Get ready for a lot more events coming up soon!


• Add some spooky new decorations for Halloween.
• Trolley Tracks is back! Hop on the Trolley every Thursday for some Minigame fun.
• Bingo Wednesdays has also returned!
• Things are getting dark in Toontown... Is Jack O' Kazam's curse real?
• Grab some friends and solve the riddle to earn Jellybeans by Trick-or-Treating at six secret shops, but beware the Pumpkin Headed Curse!

October 28, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.5]


• Fix a Jellybean exploit with Trick-or-Treating.

October 29, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.6]


• Cleanup for Accessories.


• Fix a common crash on streets relating to elevators.
• Fix a crash when visiting the Golf Zone in Acorn Acres.


• Bloodsuckers have invaded Toontown with a Mega-Invasion!
• Due to popular demand, Pumpkin Heads will now stick around until the end of Trick or Treat week. This will happen with future event effects as well.

October 5, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.10]


• Fix a district reset


November 2, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.7]


• Experimental server-sided engine update. Let us know if you see any oddities.


• Fix an issue with Toons being unable to remove accessories.
• Fix a typo in ToonTask dialogue.
• FIx the Cattlelog hangup button not being visible on smaller screen sizes.

November 6, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.8]


• Temporarily revert server-sided engine update to fix bugs we've seen over the past few days.
• Code cleanup for Nametags.


• Nametags are now properly hidden on "trolley-bot" Cogs.
• Greatly improve accuracy of whisper and nametag clicking.
• Fix a crash relating to Cog Buildings on streets.
• Fix a bug where a new Toon could get stuck on the Trolley if they didn't earn any beans.
• Fix a bug where Trolley Tracks wouldn't count towards the "Ride the Trolley" ToonTask.
• When buying from the Cattlelog, beans are now taken from the Jellybean Bank rather than the Jellybean Jar.


• Implement "Welcome Valley" district.

November 21, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.9]


• Major code cleanup for Estates and Holidays.
• Improve server-side performance.


• Fix a bug where only 4 items could be ordered from Clarabelle's Cattlelog.
• Fix texture for the Tiara accessory.
• Fix a district reset related to the Toontorial.
• Fix a district reset related to zones.
• Fix a crash when spectating a Checkers game.


• Emote whispers are now shown in orange action whispers (For picnic tables currently) are still shown in purple.


• Implement Mega-Invasions. Skelecogs have taken over Toontown!

November 23, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.10]


• Clean up old Holidays on the calendar.


• Fix a District Reset related to invasions.

November 25, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.11]


• Fix a typo in the Checkers game.
• Fix uncooperative treasures in the CFO.
• Fix a crash caused when non-ASCII characters were entered into the chat.
• Fix NPC nametags not always showing up.
• Fix a major bug where teleportation to a friend on a street would often fail.

November 26, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.12]


• Enable Doctor Surlee's "Toon-Rewritinfo" debug, courtesy of The Two.

November 27, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.13]


• Automate the process of restoring deleted Toons.


• Reduce the frequency of crashing when entering buildings. (We're working on a bigger fix!)


• Clarabelle will be offering a special Black Friday promotion until next Friday!

November 28, 2014 [ttr-beta-1.6.14]


• Tweaks to significantly improve server performance.
• Clean up backend Toon management tools.
• Throw in a minor Whitelist update.


• Fix a rare district reset related to zones.
• Fix a bug where shopkeepers would appear near the door, rather than at their desks.
• Don't show "Unknown" holidays on the calendar. They're seeeeeecret!


• Add Clarabelle's Black Friday Sale to the calendar.


December 6, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.0]


Major Update! Rewrite the server-sided friends system for fixes and improved performance.
• Rewrite zone loading to be cleaner.
• Add new words to the whitelist. Tell us your suggestions!
• Add support for non-ToonFest code redemption.


• Fix an issue where friend lists would occasionally appear empty, or with some friends missing.
• Fix "The" being repeated twice in Invasion messages.
• Fix a district reset relating to winter Cattlelog Items.
• Wallpapers and floors can now be properly customized.
• Fix a crash on streets related to using certain gags.
• Fix a crash in Cog areas when hitting "F2".
• Toons now receive a whisper when a building they have rescued is taken over by the Cogs again.
• Fix a crash when entering an area with cog battles in progress.


• Gardening Kits can now be purchased from the Cattlelog.
• Implement organic gags.
• Implement statue decorations.

December 6, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.1]


• Improve server-side maintenance and caching of Gardens to reduce district load.


• Fix a bug relating to Gardening trophies.
• Fix a bug where loading would hang for far too long during teleportation.

December 11, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.2]


• Flowers and Trees now grow at 12AM Toontown Time, rather than 10PM Toontown Time.


• Fix an occasional district reset with gardening when earning a Laff boost. We'll restore that Laff point for those who lost it in a later update!
• Fix a bug where some item codes were falsely expired.
• Fix a district reset relating to gardening growth time.
• Potentially fix a bug where the angry animation could be spammed heard very loud and repeatedly.


• Selling Flowers now gives you twice as many beans as it took to plant them. Enjoy the bonus!


• Implement rental items.
• Add 48 Hours of Cannons to the Cattlelog.
• Add a brand-new item: 48 Hours of Game Tables!

December 16, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.3]


• Fix a crash relating to the friend manager.
• Fix a bug where gardening laff boosts would disappear after logging out. (They've been restored!)
• Fix the "Last Seen" field on the Toon Detail Panel to display the proper date.


• Add a holiday look and theme song to the Pick-a-Toon.
• The Twelve Days of Toontown has begun! Check the blog every day for new events leading up to the most festive finale yet.

December 17, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.4]


• Fix Cog HQ Elevators
• Fix throwing Evidence in the CJ

December 19, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.5]


• Cleanup for gardening.
• Improve logic for playground Toon-Ups.
• Improve client logging.


• Potentially fix an issue with certain gardens not growing.
• Fix a rare issue with estates not loading correctly.
• Fix an exploit where client-to-client Battle SOS whispers could be sent to all players in a zone.
• Fix an exploit where custom whispers could be sent to all players in a zone.
• Custom clients from other servers can no longer be connected to Toontown Rewritten.
NOTE: Toontown for OSX won't work in this version of Toontown Rewritten. Sorry for the issue, folks, but we need to fix a few things! We'll get it back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, we recommend running it via Bootcamp, Wine, or another machine with Windows installed.

December 20, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.6]


• Further improve server stability after the exploit fix.

December 20, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.7]


• Further implement events for Toontown's Twelve Days of Winter. Keep an eye on the blog for new content!


• OS X users can now play Toontown again!

December 21, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.8]


• Engine update for Mac OSX. Mac support is restored!
• Greatly improve framerate and performance on OSX.


• Fix a bug on OSX where one would have to "Force Quit" the game to close.
• Fix a district reset relating to code redemption.
• Update winter Pick-a-Toon to be better quality.


• Add a bunch of new winter clothing. Keep an eye out for it in the Cattlelog for the remainder of winter, as well as the years to come!

December 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.9]


• A blanket of snow has covered Toontown!

December 24, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.10]


• Clothing, furniture, and accessories are no longer deleted from the mailbox if your closet/attic/trunk is full.


• Further implement 12 days of winter events. Have you noticed the sudden spike in Polar Bears lately? I wonder what Doctor Surlee is up to on Toontorial Street...

December 30, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.12]


• Fixed an issue with the incorrect throw type being used in boss battles after using a special throw item.
• Fix an issue with gardening causing server instability.
• Fix a glitch where Toons could set their name to nothing.


• Special throw items (Pies, snowballs) can no longer be carried into boss battles. You'll blow our cover!


• The Winter Holiday is over for this year. We hope we made your holiday a little more cheerful!
• New Years festivities have begun! Fireworks will go off in every playground every hour until 11:59PM Toontown Time on January 2nd.

December 30, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.14]


• Fix a crash relating to fireworks.