Sellbot Task Force ToonTasks/+1 laff boost (Explorer)

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

Toons are instructed to visit Bonnie Bubbles in order to begin this ToonTask and earn one additional laff point.


  1. Visit Bonnie Bubbles (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
  2. Visit Wet Will (Spring Rain Seltzer Bottles, Maple Street, Daisy Gardens)
  3. Defeat 75 level 10+ Sellbots (Anywhere)
  4. Return to Wet Will
  5. Deliver a Customized Seltzer Bottle to Bonnie Bubbles
  6. Defeat 3 Cold Caller Cubicles (Sellbot Field Offices, Anywhere)
  7. Return to Bonnie Bubbles