Sellbot Task Force ToonTasks/Pink Smasher Stamp

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

Toons are instructed to visit Doctor Googlymoogly in order to begin this ToonTask and earn the Pink Smasher Stamp.


  1. Visit Doctor Googlymoogly (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
  2. Visit Fisherman Flora (Daisy Gardens)
  3. Recover 4 Hedging Documents from Cog Buildings (Anywhere)
  4. Return to Fisherman Flora
  5. Deliver a Hedging Document to Doctor Googlymoogly
  6. Visit Professor Prepostera (Toon Hall, Toontown Central)
  7. Find some High-Level Waterspout Intel in a Hidden Location
  8. Return to Professor Prepostera
  9. Deliver a Loony Labs Analysis to Flippy (Toon Hall, Toontown Central)
  10. Deliver a Loony Labs Analysis to Doctor Googlymoogly