Sellbot Task Force ToonTasks/Teal Sleuth Stamp
Toons are instructed to visit Doctor Googlymoogly in order to begin this ToonTask and earn the Teal Sleuth Stamp.
- Visit Doctor Googlymoogly (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
- Recover 175 Cog Parts from Sellbots (Anywhere)
- Return to Doctor Googlymoogly
- Find some Spray Paint Cans in a Hidden Location
- Located at the Sellbot Towers in the middle of the area.
- Return to Doctor Googlymoogly
- Visit Sweet Slumber (Sawing Wood Slumber Lumber, Lullaby Lane, Donald's Dreamland)
- Deliver 4000 jellybeans to Sweet Slumber
- Visit Doctor Googlymoogly
- Defeat 10 Mega-Movers (Three+ star Sellbot Field Offices, Anywhere)
- Return to Doctor Googlymoogly