Talk:Gyro Gearloose/@comment-

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki
Originally Posted by joey19982 (Sir Max) on 02-05-2015
As you can see by the Portable Design, Teleportation, and Silly Meter -- Surlee rarely keeps his inventions to himself. With the Toon Council's approval, I'm sure he wanted to share the Rewritten Device as well.

The Rewritten Device CAN change a Toon's species, it's just not available to the public. The Toon Council probably thought it was "too dangerous, just like the Portable Hole Network Bypasses.

And "Undo Mistakes, not Fate"[1][2] isn't really just about the Toon Council Presidential Elections/Doomsday. It's about going back in time to save Toontown. Toontown Rewritten IS a lot like Toontown Online, but it's still very different. No matter how hard Doctor Surlee works to make things better, there always seems to be some sort of ripple affects--some unintended consequences.

If the good Doctor's "Rewritten Experiment" pays off, then maybe we can avoid a terrible fate-- September 19, 2013.