Flippy's pie stand

Flippy has a pie stand that was created for one of his campaigns while running as a candidate in the Toon Council Presidential Elections, and had since then been used for other special occasions. It contains two hands, one that holds a sign and the other that holds a wheelbarrow containing Whole Cream Pies.
Toon Council Presidential Elections
The pie stand was stationed in Toontown Central next to the Toontown Library. It was previously static before the overwhelmingly silly levels of the Toon Council Presidential Elections allowed it to become animated.
Doctor Surlee instructed Toons to take Whole Cream Pies from the pie stand and use them to defeat the Cogs during Doomsday.
During ToonFest 2014 and ToonFest 2015, the pie stand which had a different sign that said, "Pie Cogs to Toon-up ToonFest!", was available for Toons to obtain Whole Cream Pies and use them on dummy Cogs to speed up or slow down the ToonFest Tower. It was available during ToonFest 2016 for a short period of time before it was replaced by a pie purchases booth.
Pie Day
In celebration of Pie Day, the pie stand is stationed in Toontown Central and has a different sign that says, "Happy Pie Day!".
Flippy's pie stand before the wheelbarrow was filled with Whole Cream Pies.
Flippy's pie stand during ToonFest 2014.