
Fluffy is an NPC doodle who is Flippy's pet. He first appeared in the ToonFest Grounds during ToonFest 2014 when Flippy found and adopted him[1], then appeared again during ToonFest 2015 before he went missing.[2] Two years later in 2017, a doodle search was conducted to locate him when news spread about him roaming around Toontown.[3] On April 10th of that same year, Fluffy returned to Flippy with thousands of other doodles.[4] Fluffy now appears in Toontown Central to offer limited-time ToonTasks during April Toons Week.
- Like other doodles, Fluffy came from a land known as Doodlevania that is owned by an emperor named Deedle von Doodlesworth.
- During April Toons Week in 2017, Fluffy roamed around Toontown by appearing in Toon Buildings on streets to search for Flippy.
- Fluffy appears in place of a Toon's doodle when called during Cog battles if the Toon's doodle does not appear due to a server-side failure.
Fluffy saying "I LOVE jellybeans!" during April Toons Week.
Fluffy and his friends taking over a Pet Shop.