Sellbot Task Force ToonTasks/Pink Sleuth Stamp

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

Toons are instructed to visit Bonnie Bubbles in order to begin this ToonTask and earn the Pink Sleuth Stamp.


  1. Visit Bonnie Bubbles (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
  2. Recover a Contact List from Name Droppers (Anywhere)
  3. Return to Bonnie Bubbles
  4. Defeat 50 level 8+ Cogs (Cog Buildings, Anywhere)
  5. Return to Bonnie Bubbles
  6. Defeat The Factory Foreman (Sellbot Factory, Sellbot Headquarters)
  7. Return to Bonnie Bubbles
  8. Recover some Meeting Notes from the Vice President (Sellbot Towers, Sellbot Headquarters)
  9. Return to Bonnie Bubbles