Slappy's hot air balloon

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

Slappy had a hot air balloon that was created for one of his campaigns while running as a candidate in the Toon Council Presidential Elections. At one point, Flippy's airplane accidentally onto the hot air balloon. Toons could ride the hot air balloon to circle around Toontown Central.

Slappy's phrases

Below are many phrases from Slappy that he said while Toons rode the hot air balloon.

  • "Hello! I assume you want a ride?"
  • "Good! It would be kind of weird if you didn't."
  • "I take it you're a balloon fanatic like myself, eh?"
  • "No? Oh. I don't see how you can't be."
  • "Just look at this thing. It's a 500 pound bag floating in the sky!"
  • "If that isn't amazing, I don't know what is."
  • "Small balloons, too. You know, I've always wanted to be a balloon salesman."
  • "I'd get my own little cart and everything!"
  • "They soar through the skies, going beyond what we know."
  • "Maybe even into another world. Who knows what they'd see on the outskirts on Toontown?"
  • "I've always wondered what kind of mysteries lie out there. The balloons know."
  • "D'awh, here already. I was just about to get into the history of balloons. Come back any time!"
  • "You know, some may consider it rude to jump into someone else's balloon without permission."
  • "In fact, I'm going to have to ask you to step out now."
  • "Yah, just right off the side there. It's not too high up yet."
  • "I'm joking! I'm joking. Don't jump out, the ride is free."
  • "Can you see your house from up here?"
  • "I can't. This cardboard hill is in the way."
  • "I've always wondered why they put those up. Why not enjoy the scenery?"
  • "Not to mention the jellybeans they could have saved by not buying paint."
  • "It seems counterproductive to me. Those are defiantly getting torn down."
  • "That is, if I get elected. Hey, are you voting for me?"
  • "Nonono, don't tell me. I want to be surprised. Remember this free balloon ride at the polls, though!"
  • "Off we goooo!"
  • "In case you didn't get it back there, that was a pun."
  • "Up" for a ride. Get it?"
  • "Haha! I quack myself up."
  • "That was another pun!"
  • "Do you know any good puns? I'm full of them."
  • "That wasn't a pun, though. I should have had one there. It was fitting."
  • "Oh man, we're almost back already?"
  • "Well, at least we had a WHALE of a time!"
  • "Err- no. Wrong pun. That one didn't make sense."
  • "I'll CATACHA later! Get it, because of the whale pun? It makes sense now. I planned that."
  • "I was wondering when you would come by for a ride."
  • "How are things going? Having fun with this election excitement?"
  • "I know I certainly am. I've been on hundreds of these balloon rides, and they never get old."
  • "You get used to the air sickness after a while."
  • "Woah, look over there! You can see some of the grey!"
  • "The grey is just one of those many things in Toontown that bewilders me."
  • "An undrawn area, just waiting for color. Can you imagine the creativity?"
  • "It's an unexplored blank canvas of imagination."
  • "You know what? You and I -- after this election, we're going to go out there."
  • "You and I will figure out the secrets of the grey, unleash the creativity it holds. I promise you on that."
  • "We'll find out what it is, for not only Toontown, but for the whole Tooniverse. Make sure you hold me up to it!"


  • June created textures for Slappy's hot air balloon. In Toontown Rewritten's storyline, Doctor Surlee created the hot air balloon by using the Portability Design to bump up 10 times the normal size of one of Slappy's old hot air balloon toys.[1]
  • On the day of the Toon Council Presidential Elections being held, the hot air balloon somehow floated in the sky without a pilot. After a Yesman saddened Slappy, the hot air balloon drifted away and was never seen again.

