Lawbot Headquarters

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki
Lawbot Headquarters
Basic information
Department Lawbots
Location Polar Place, The Brrrgh
Area information
Minimum Cog level 8
Maximum Cog level 10
Special Cogs Goons
Virtual Skelecogs
Data is by normal gameplay.
Facility information
Facilities Lawbot DA Offices
Supervisor Cog The Office Clerk
Boss information
Facilities Lawbot Courthouse
Minimum Cog level 8
Maximum Cog level 13
Boss Cog Chief Justice

Lawbot Headquarters, commonly known as Lawbot HQ or simply LBHQ, is the Lawbots' main base of operation. It is connected to Polar Place in The Brrrgh. Lawbot Headquarters consists of two Cog facilities: the Lawbot DA Offices and the Lawbot Courthouse. The Office Clerk resides in the Lawbot DA Offices and the Chief Justice resides in the Lawbot Courthouse.


The courtyard is the main area of Lawbot Headquarters. It is surrounded by tall skyscrapers and marble-like buildings, along with a large statue of the Chief Justice. Cogs that roam the courtyard range from level 8 to level 10.

Lawbot DA Offices

Main page: Lawbot DA Offices

The Lawbot DA Offices is located on the right side of Lawbot Headquarters, consisting of an easy-mode Junior Wing and a hard-mode Senior Wing containing two floors. Toons often infiltrate the Lawbot DA Offices to recover Jury Notices for promotions on their Lawbot Cog Disguise. In the Law Library is where The Office Clerk resides.

Lawbot Courthouse

Main page: Lawbot Courthouse

The Lawbot Courthouse serves as the domain for the Chief Justice. Toons may battle the Chief Justice once they have promotions for their Lawbot Cog Disguise ready.

Cog Summons

Main page: Cog Summons

A Cog Summons is awarded to Toons who defeat the Chief Justice. There are three types of Cog Summons: a single Cog summons, a Cog Building summons, and a Cog Invasion summons.

Lawbot Cog Disguise

Main page: Lawbot Cog Disguise

The Lawbot Cog Disguise is a Cog Disguise containing 14 parts. Each part is awarded upon completion of Professor Flake's ToonTasks.


  • Lawbot Headquarters is the first Cog headquarters to be released in an update that involved solving an ARG, with Bossbot Headquarters being second.