Sellbot Task Force ToonTasks/Join the Toon Resistance

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

Toons are instructed to visit Whispering Willow in order to begin this ToonTask and earn their Resistance Rank. This ToonTask can be obtained by visiting an HQ Officer in Toon Headquarters.


  1. Visit Whispering Willow (Talking in Your Sleep Voice Training, Pajama Place, Donald's Dreamland)
  2. Present a level 7 gag to Whispering Willow
  3. Visit Naggy Nell (Honeydew This, Oak Street, Daisy Gardens)
  4. Defeat 15 Skelecogs (Sellbot Factory, Sellbot Headquarters)
  5. Return to Naggy Nell
  6. Visit Rusty Ralph (Rusty Buckets, Lighthouse Lane, Donald's Dock)
  7. Defeat a Chief Executive Officer (Bossbot Clubhouse, Bossbot Headquarters)
  8. Return to Rusty Ralph
  9. Visit Groovy Garland (Choral Wreaths, Polar Place, The Brrrgh)
  10. Defeat a Sellbot Field Office annex (Anywhere)
  11. Return to Groovy Garland
  12. Visit Whispering Willow
  13. Visit Whiny Wilma (Trowels and Tribulations, Maple Street, Daisy Gardens)