Cashbot Mints

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Cashbot Mints
Basic information
Department Cashbots
Location Cashbot Headquarters
Area information
Special Cogs Goons
Facility information
Facilities Coin Mint
Bullion Mint
Supervisor Cog The Mint Auditor

The Cashbot Mints is a Cog facility located in the middle of Cashbot Headquarters, consisting of an easy-mode Coin Mint and a hard-mode Bullion Mint with varied "hallway" layouts. Toons often infiltrate the Cashbot Mints to recover Cogbucks for promotions on their Cashbot Cog Disguise. Near the Mint Vault is where The Mint Auditor resides.


The following Cogs can appear in the Cashbot Mints.


Cogbucks listed below are within an average range.

Facility Cogbucks
Coin Mint 702-807
Bullion Mint 1674-1842

Areas and obstacles

  • The room that Toons begin at when entering a Cashbot Mint, containing various Cog currency and stacked boxes.
Paint Mixer Room
  • It has two main platforms attached to the entry and the exit, separated by green paint. The entry platform has a staircase leading to it, but the exit staircase does not. Three moving platforms bridge the gap between the two main platforms. Toons must jump on the platforms to get across without falling into the paint.
  • Toons lose 8 laff when falling into the paint but can climb up to the entryway's platform and try again.
  • Toons are unable to progress without completing the platforming. Two laff barrels that give 16 laff are available at the end of the platforming section.
Lava Room
  • It has a pool of lava with three platforms floating in it. Toons must jump onto each platform without falling into the lava. The platforms sink as Toons stand on them, so Toons must jump quickly from one to the next. However, the platforms do not move, unlike the ones in the Paint Mixer Room.
  • If Toons fall in the lava, they lose 8 laff.
  • A laff barrel that gives 8 laff is available at the end of the platforming section.
Spinning Gears Room
  • It contains large stacked rotating gears. Stairs that lead to the exit are blocked off by a horizontally long pillar that does not reach the ceiling. Toons cannot jump over the pillar. Toons must jump on top of each rotating gear one at a time to jump over the pillar and reach the exit.
  • In the northwest corner is a laff barrel that gives 8 laff atop a pillar. To reach it, Toons must reach the top of the gears and jump there instead of towards the exit.
Spinning Gear Tower Room
  • It has stacked spinning gears in the shape of a tower for Toons to climb up and reach the top. There are two goons.
Crane Room
  • It is where Toons use cranes to throw one of two safes over the button to unlock the laser door.
Stomper Room
  • It contains three stompers in a diagonal pattern. Toons must run through the three sections.
  • Toons lose 8 laff if they are crushed by a stomper.
  • A laff barrel that gives 8 laff is available at the end.
Giant Stomper Room
  • It is full of giant stompers, contains platform with holes, and contains two small rooms to the left and right side. The giant stompers can be avoided by jumping into the holes.
  • The small room to the left contains two laff barrels and one 25-jellybean barrel. The small room to the right contains three gag barrels.
  • Toons lose 8 laff if they are crushed by a giant stomper.
Diamond Cog Room
  • As the name implies, it is in the shape of a diamond. There is a large wall in the middle.
  • There are four groups of three or four Cogs; one group near the entrance, one group on each side, and one group near the exit. It is possible to skip one of the side Cog battles.
Cog Pit Room
  • There are four Cogs and two pits in which Toons cannot interact with.
Ledge Room
  • It transfers onto an upper ledge through stairs.
  • There are one group of Cogs and three groups of Skelecogs. The first group is around the corner from the entrance, the second group is to the left of that, the third group is around the corner near the staircase, and the fourth group is atop the ledge.
Diamond Goon Room
  • As the name implies, it is in the shape of a diamond. There are several goons, and at the end, there are some boxes preventing the goons from moving into the hallway.
Goon Pit Room
  • There are several goons. It features two pits, similar to the single Cog battle room. A staircase leads to the exit and a laff barrel lies at the end.
Pusher Room
  • It has bright white walls that presents itself as a maze; if Toons go to the right, they find it is a dead end. The left section features a gear Toons must use to elevate themselves, followed by a platform with a conveyor belt that moves Toons back.
Box Room
  • It contains a stomper and a box. Stairs that lead to the exit are blocked off by a horizontally long pillar that does not reach the ceiling. Toons cannot jump over the pillar, so they must either push the box forward to jump over the pillar without getting crushed by the stomper, or jump on the stomper and use it as a platform to jump off.
  • A laff barrel that gives 8 laff is available at the end, to the right.
Skelecog Room
  • It is a small square room with four Skelecogs.
Spinning Gear-Stomper Room
  • It is essentially an obstacle course that involves jumping on spinning gears and avoiding stompers. If not completed in time, Toons lose 20 laff and a shelf is moved to introduce a shortcut.
Mint Vault
  • The Mint Vault has a varied layout and is where Toons encounter The Mint Auditor and three other Cogs. It could either be a small room with a boarded floor, a small room with various Cog currency (in bags, on pallet boards, in cash bundles, or in the form of gold bars), a small room with merely a staircase, or a large room full of pallet boards that contain cash bundles and with a staircase.


  • The Cashbot Mints have reused models from the Sellbot Factory, which would also be the case for the Lawbot DA Offices.
  • As with crates found in the Cashbot Headquarters courtyard, Cog Nation can be seen printed on crates found in the Cashbot Mints.
  • The term "bullion" refers to gold or silver in the form of bars, referencing the gold bars scattered throughout the Bullion Mint.