Cashbot Headquarters

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki
Cashbot Headquarters
Basic information
Department Cashbots
Location Pajama Place, Donald's Dreamland
Area information
Minimum Cog level 7
Maximum Cog level 9
Special Cogs Goons
Data is by normal gameplay.
Facility information
Facilities Cashbot Mints
Supervisor Cog The Mint Auditor
Boss information
Facilities Cashbot Vault
Minimum Cog level 1
Maximum Cog level 12
Boss Cog Chief Financial Officer

Cashbot Headquarters, commonly known as Cashbot HQ or simply CBHQ, is the Cashbots' main base of operation. It is connected to Pajama Place in Donald's Dreamland. Cashbot Headquarters consists of two Cog facilities: the Cashbot Mints and the Cashbot Vault. The Mint Auditor resides in the Cashbot Mints and the Chief Financial Officer resides in the Cashbot Vault.

Train yard

The train yard is the main area of Cashbot Headquarters. The train yard largely resembles a freight train yard or station filled with money. Toons may find Cashbot freight trains that deduct 10 laff if they are crushed by them. Cogs that roam the train yard range from level 7 to level 9.

Cashbot Mints

Main page: Cashbot Mints

The Cashbot Mints is located in the middle of Cashbot Headquarters, consisting of an easy-mode Coin Mint and a hard-mode Bullion Mint. Toons often infiltrate the Cashbot Mints to recover Cogbucks for promotions on their Cashbot Cog Disguise. Near the Mint Vault is where The Mint Auditor resides.

Cashbot Vault

Main page: Cashbot Vault

The Cashbot Vault serves as the domain for the Chief Financial Officer. Toons may battle the Chief Financial Officer once they have promotions for their Cashbot Cog Disguise ready.


Main page: Unite

A unite is awarded to Toons who defeat the Chief Financial Officer. Unites are SpeedChat phrases that restock gags, heal laff, or provide jellybeans.

Cashbot Cog Disguise

Main page: Cashbot Cog Disguise

The Cashbot Cog Disguise is a Cog Disguise containing 12 parts. Each part is awarded upon completion of certain ToonTasks while in Donald's Dreamland.
