
From Toontown Rewritten Wiki
The SpeedChat button.

SpeedChat is a list of animations and a wide variety of convenient pre-made phrases that allow players to communicate without typing via SpeedChat+. This system was created for the purpose of advocating online safety and preventing communication with players who can type using SpeedChat+. For a player to use SpeedChat, they can click the green SpeedChat button at the top left corner of their screen and choose from the dropdown menus. SpeedChat phrases with an "e" beside them means a Toon performs emotions (animations) when selecting them. Toons can also change the color of their SpeedChat dropdown menu and speech bubble in the "Options & Codes" page of the Shticker Book. There are some districts that only allow SpeedChat.

Current phrases


My phrases

The following phrases can be purchased from Clarabelle's Cattlelog.

  • A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.
  • Act your age!
  • After a while, crocodile.
  • All aboard!
  • Am I glad to see you!
  • Anything you say.
  • Aren't you a sight!
  • Are you talking to me?
  • Are you trying to sweet talk me?
  • Been keeping out of trouble?
  • Be my guest.
  • Better late than never!
  • Bravo!
  • But it's wafer thin.
  • But of course!
  • But seriously, folks...
  • Can I help you?
  • Care to join us?
  • Catch me if you can!
  • Catch you later!
  • Cat got your tongue?
  • Changed your mind?
  • Check, please.
  • Chill out!
  • Cool bananas!
  • Cogs drool!
  • Come and get it!
  • Count me in.
  • Count me out.
  • Curiosity killed the cat.
  • Dear me!
  • Delighted to make your acquaintance.
  • Did you see that?
  • Don't ask.
  • Don't be a sucker!
  • Don't be a turkey.
  • Don't be a yellow belly.
  • Don't be too sure.
  • Don't chicken out!
  • Don't do anything I wouldn't do!
  • Don't even think about it!
  • Don't give up the ship!
  • Don't have a cow!
  • Don't hold your breath.
  • Don't mind if I do.
  • Don't mind me.
  • Don't sweat it!
  • Don't worry.
  • Don't you know it!
  • Draw!!!
  • Easy as pie!
  • Easy does it.
  • Easy for you to say.
  • Enough is enough!
  • Eureka!
  • Excellent!
  • Excuse me!
  • Fancy meeting you here!
  • Fancy that!
  • Feeling lucky?
  • For crying out loud!
  • Forget about it!
  • Get along, little doggie.
  • Giddyup!
  • Give me a break.
  • Glad to hear it.
  • Go!
  • Go ahead, make my day!
  • Go for it!
  • Going my way?
  • Good for you!
  • Good grief.
  • Good job!
  • Good to see you!
  • Got gags?
  • Gotcha!
  • Got to hit the road.
  • Got to get moving.
  • Grrrr!
  • Glue!
  • Hang in there.
  • Hang on a second.
  • Happy trails!
  • Have a ball!
  • Have a good one!
  • Have fun!
  • Haven't got all day!
  • Heads up!
  • Hear no evil.
  • Here we go again.
  • Hey, hey, hey!
  • Hmm.
  • Hold your horses!
  • Hot Diggity Dog!
  • Horsefeathers!
  • How about that!
  • How do you like that?
  • Howdy, partner!
  • I believe so.
  • I can't hit the broad side of a barn.
  • I don't believe this!
  • I don't care.
  • I don't know about this!
  • I doubt it.
  • I feel like a kid in a candy store.
  • I got it!
  • I heard that!
  • I love it!
  • Imagine that!
  • I need to go soon.
  • I need to see a Toon.
  • I owe you one.
  • I read you loud and clear.
  • I reckon so.
  • I think not.
  • I think so.
  • I think you should pass.
  • I vote no.
  • I vote yes.
  • I want candy!
  • I wish I'd said that.
  • I wouldn't if I were you.
  • I'd be happy to!
  • If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
  • I'll be back in a minute.
  • I'll get back to you.
  • I'll get this one.
  • I'm all ears.
  • I'm back in the saddle again!
  • I'm bored.
  • I'm busy.
  • I'm chomping at the bit!
  • I'm dying on the vine.
  • I'm fixing to.
  • I'm going bananas!
  • I'm helping my friend.
  • I'm here all week.
  • I'm hungry.
  • I'm just monkeying with you.
  • I'm not kidding!
  • I'm ready!
  • I'm sleepy.
  • I'm speechless.
  • In the nick of time...
  • It's a jungle out there.
  • It's a real barn burner!
  • It's like butter!
  • It's mine!
  • It's not over 'til it's over.
  • I've got a sweet tooth.
  • I've got monkeys on the brain.
  • Jellybeans don't grow on trees!
  • Jump!
  • Just like taking candy from a baby!
  • Just thinking out loud.
  • Just what the doctor ordered.
  • Keep in touch.
  • Keep smiling.
  • Keep your eye on the doughnut not the hole.
  • Knock knock...
  • Lands sake!
  • Let me know!
  • Let's get into the swing of things!
  • Let's get this party started!
  • Let's go this way!
  • Let's gum up the works!
  • Let's keep it short and sweet.
  • Let's make like a banana and split.
  • Let's make like a tree and leave.
  • Let's not sugar coat it.
  • Let's ride!
  • Let's skedaddle!
  • Let them eat cake!
  • Let the pie fly!
  • Like water for chocolate.
  • Likewise, I'm sure.
  • Look alive!
  • Look what the cat dragged in.
  • Lovely weather for ducks!
  • Make it snappy!
  • Make yourself at home!
  • Maybe some other time.
  • Mind if I join you?
  • Monkey see, monkey do.
  • Much obliged.
  • My, how time flies.
  • Naturally!
  • Nice place you have here.
  • Nice talking to you.
  • No comment.
  • No doubt about it.
  • No kidding!
  • Not by a long shot.
  • No worries!
  • Now you're talking!
  • Of all the nerve!
  • Oh, my!
  • Oh, well.
  • Okay by me.
  • Ouch, that really smarts!
  • Pickins is mighty slim around here.
  • Please!
  • Pleased to meet you.
  • Please, take it.
  • Precisely!
  • Quit horsing around!
  • Quit monkeying around!
  • Rake 'em in.
  • Reach for the sky.
  • Ready?
  • Right as rain.
  • Righto.
  • Right on!
  • Round up the usual suspects.
  • Saddle up!
  • Say cheese!
  • Say what?
  • See no evil.
  • See you later, alligator.
  • See you next time.
  • See you tomorrow.
  • Set!
  • Six of one, half a dozen of the other...
  • Shake your tail feathers!
  • Slow and steady wins the race.
  • Sounds good to me.
  • Speak no evil.
  • Stand back, this could be dangerous.
  • Stay here, I'll be back.
  • Sugar and spice and everything nice.
  • Sure thing.
  • Ta-ta for now!
  • Tah-dah!
  • Take it easy.
  • Take a load off.
  • Thank you, I'll be here all week.
  • Thanks a million!
  • Thanks a million.
  • Thanks, but no thanks.
  • That really throws a monkey-wrench in things.
  • That rules!
  • That sounds like monkey business.
  • That stinks!
  • That takes the cake!
  • That was exciting!
  • That was quick!
  • That'll learn ya!
  • That's a monkey off my back...
  • That's a sight for sore eyes!
  • That's funny.
  • That's half-baked.
  • That's kooky!
  • That's more like it.
  • That's pie in the sky!
  • That's the icing on the cake.
  • That's the stuff!
  • That's the ticket!
  • That's the way the cookie crumbles.
  • That's the way to do it.
  • That's what I'm talking about!
  • The candyman can!
  • The check's in the mail.
  • There's a Cog invasion!
  • There's gold in them there hills!
  • They made a monkey out of you.
  • They're cheaper by the dozen.
  • This is more fun than a barrel of monkeys!
  • This is where I ride off into the sunset...
  • This place is swinging!
  • This town isn't big enough for the two of us!
  • This way everybody!
  • This whole affair has me up a tree.
  • Time for me to the hit the hay.
  • Toodles.
  • Toonerrific!
  • Toons of the world, unite!
  • Toons rule!
  • Totally!
  • Touchdown!
  • Trust me!
  • Until next time.
  • Wait up!
  • Watch out!
  • Way to go!
  • We all scream for ice cream!
  • Well, don't that take all.
  • Well I'll be a monkey's uncle.
  • Well isn't that special!
  • Well shiver me timbers!
  • What brings you here?
  • What in the world?
  • What up?
  • Whatever!
  • What happened?
  • What in Sam Hill's goin on here?
  • What now?
  • What's cooking?
  • What's new?
  • What's that smell?
  • What's with the monkey suit?
  • What's wrong?
  • Whew!
  • Who's going to be monkey in the middle?
  • Who's there?
  • Why not?
  • Works for me.
  • Wowza!
  • Y'all come back now.
  • Yeah, baby!
  • Yeah, right!
  • Yes sirree.
  • You are stylin'!
  • You are what you eat!
  • You betcha.
  • You can't have your cake and eat it too.
  • You do the math.
  • You first.
  • You got a bee in your bonnet?
  • You leaving so soon?
  • You make me laugh!
  • You need more Laff points.
  • You need to heal first.
  • You take left.
  • You take right.
  • You wish!
  • You won!
  • You're a sitting duck.
  • You're in the dog house now!
  • You're going down!
  • You're one tough cookie!
  • You're outta here!
  • You're the top banana.
  • You're toast!
  • You're too much!
  • You've got to be kidding...

The following phrases are only available in Clarabelle's Cattlelog during certain occasions.

  • Aww, how cute.
  • Bah, humbug!
  • Be mine!
  • Better not pout!
  • Boo!
  • Brrr!
  • Did I scare you?
  • Did you hear that?
  • Happy Haunting!
  • Happy New Year!
  • Happy St. Patrick's Day!
  • Happy ValenToon's Day!
  • I hate spiders!
  • I LOVE busting Cogs!
  • I only have hypno-eyes for you!
  • I think this place is haunted.
  • I'd LOVE for you to come to my ValenToon's party!
  • I'm sweet on you.
  • It's puppy love.
  • It's "snow" problem.
  • It's "snow" wonder.
  • It's time for me to turn into a pumpkin.
  • Let it snow!
  • Lovely!
  • Love ya!
  • Nice costume!
  • Roses are red...
  • Skeletons in your closet?
  • Snow doubt about it!
  • Snow far, snow good!
  • Spooktastic!
  • Spooky!
  • That was strange...
  • That's creepy!
  • That's darling!
  • That's freaky!
  • That's sweet!
  • This place is a ghost town.
  • The Holiday Party decorations are Toontastic!
  • Toon Troopers are hosting Holiday Parties!
  • Top o' the mornin' to you!
  • Trick or Treat!
  • Will you be my ValenToon?
  • Violets are blue...
  • You are cute.
  • You are a sweetheart.
  • You are as sweet as pie.
  • You don't have a ghost of a chance!
  • You lucky dog!
  • You need a hug.
  • You scared me!
  • You're dynamite!
  • You're my four leaf clover!
  • You're my lucky charm!
  • You're not wearing green!
  • You're sweeter than a jellybean!
  • Yule be sorry!

Cog Speak

The following phrases are only available while wearing any Cog Disguise.

  • It's my day off.
  • I believe you're in the wrong office.
  • Have your people call my people.
  • You're in no position to meet with me.
  • Talk to my assistant.

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Cold Caller disguise.

  • Surprised to hear from me?
  • You rang?
  • Are you ready to accept my charges?
  • This caller always collects.
  • I'm one smooth operator.
  • Hold the phone -- I'm here.
  • Have you been waiting for my call?
  • I was hoping you'd answer my call.
  • I always make my calls direct.
  • Boy, did you get your wires crossed.
  • This call is going to cost you.
  • You've got big trouble on the line.

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Telemarketer disguise.

  • I plan on making this inconvenient for you.
  • Can I interest you in an insurance plan?
  • You should have missed my call.
  • Caller ID can't stop me.
  • You won't be able to get rid of me now.
  • Is this a bad time? Good.
  • I've been planning on running into you.
  • I will be reversing the charges for this call.
  • I have some costly items for you today.
  • Too bad for you - I make house calls.
  • I'm prepared to close this deal quickly.

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Name Dropper disguise.

  • In my opinion, your name is mud.
  • I hope you don't mind if I drop your name.
  • Haven't we met before?
  • Let's hurry, I'm having lunch with 'Mr. Hollywood.'
  • Have I mentioned I know 'The Mingler?'
  • You'll never forget me.
  • I know all the right people to bring you down.
  • I hope you don't mind if I drop in.
  • Even the boss knows my name.
  • You name it, I've dropped it.

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Glad Hander disguise.

  • Put it there, Toon.
  • Let's shake on it.
  • I'm going to enjoy this.
  • You'll notice I have a very firm grip.
  • Let's seal the deal.
  • Let's get right to the business at hand.
  • Off handedly I'd say, you're in trouble.
  • You'll find I'm a handful.
  • How handy of you to run into me.
  • I'm a very hands-on kind of guy.
  • Would you like some hand-me-downs?
  • Let me show you some of my handiwork.
  • I think the handwriting is on the wall.

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Mover & Shaker disguise.

  • Get ready for a shake down.
  • You had better move out of the way.
  • Move it or lose it.
  • I believe it's your move.
  • This should shake you up.
  • Prepare to be moved.
  • I'm ready to make my move.
  • Watch it, Toon - you're on shaky ground.
  • This will be a moving moment.
  • I feel moved to defeat you.
  • Are you shaking yet?

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Two-Face disguise.

  • It's time to face-off!
  • You had better face up to defeat.
  • Prepare to face your worst nightmare!
  • Face it, I'm better than you.
  • Two heads are better than one.
  • It takes two to tango, you wanna tango?
  • You're in for two times the trouble.
  • Which face would you like to defeat you?
  • I'm 'two' much for you.
  • You don't know who you're facing.
  • Are you ready to face your doom?

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Mingler disguise.

  • You don't know who you're mingling with.
  • Ever mingle with the likes of me?
  • Good, it takes two to mingle.
  • Let's mingle.
  • This looks like a good place to mingle.
  • Well, isn't this cozy?
  • Let me introduce myself.
  • I'm going to mingle in your business.
  • Are you sure you're ready to mingle?

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Mr. Hollywood disguise.

  • Are you ready for my take?
  • Lights, camera, action!
  • Let's get this show rolling.
  • Today, the role of the defeated Toon will be played by - YOU!
  • This scene will go on the cutting room floor.
  • I already know my motivation for this scene.
  • Are you ready for your final scene?
  • I'm afraid I need to cut you from the credits.
  • I'm ready to roll your end credits.
  • I told you not to call me.
  • Let's get on with the show.
  • There's no business like it!

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Short Change disguise.

  • I will make short work of you.
  • You're about to have money trouble.

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Penny Pincher disguise.

  • This is going to sting a little.
  • I'm going to give you a pinch for luck.
  • You don't want to press your luck with me.
  • I'm going to put a crimp in your smile.
  • Perfect, I have an opening for you.
  • Let me add my two cents.
  • I've been asked to pinch-hit.
  • I'll prove you're not dreaming.
  • Heads you lose, tails I win.
  • A Penny for your gags.

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Tightwad disguise.

  • Things are about to get very tight.
  • That's Mr. Tightwad to you.
  • I'm going to cut off your funding.
  • Is this the best deal you can offer?
  • Let's get going - time is money.
  • You'll find I'm very tightfisted.
  • You're in a tight spot.
  • Prepare to walk a tight rope.
  • I hope you can afford this.
  • I'm going to make this a tight squeeze.
  • I'm going to make a big dent in your budget.

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Bean Counter disguise.

  • I enjoy subtracting Toons.
  • You can count on me to make you pay.
  • Bean there, done that.
  • I can hurt you where it counts.
  • I make every bean count.
  • Your expense report is overdue.
  • Time for an audit.
  • Let's step into my office.
  • Where have you bean?
  • I've bean waiting for you.
  • I'm going to bean you.

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Number Cruncher disguise.

  • Looks like your number is up.
  • I hope you prefer extra crunchy.
  • Now you're really in a crunch.
  • Is it time for crunch already?
  • Let's do crunch.
  • Where would you like to have your crunch today?
  • You've given me something to crunch on.
  • This will certainly not end smoothly.
  • Go ahead, try and take a number.
  • I could do with a nice crunch about now.

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Money Bags disguise.

  • Time to bring in the big bags.
  • I can bag this.
  • Paper or plastic?
  • Do you have your baggage claim?
  • I can guarantee money won't buy your happiness.
  • I hope you're prepared - there's no such thing as easy money.
  • You're about to have money trouble.
  • Money will make your world go around.
  • I'm too rich for your blood.
  • You can never have too much money!

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Loan Shark disguise.

  • It's time to collect on your loan.
  • You've been on borrowed time.
  • Your loan is now due.
  • Time to pay up.
  • Well, you asked for an advance and you got it.
  • You're going to pay for this.
  • It's pay back time.
  • Can you lend me an ear?
  • Good thing you're here, I'm in a frenzy.
  • Shall we have a quick bite?
  • Let me take a bite at it.

The following phrases are only available while wearing a Robber Baron disguise.

  • You've been robbed.
  • I'll rob you of this victory.
  • I'm a royal pain!
  • Hope you can grin and baron.
  • You'll need to report this robbery.
  • Stick 'em up.
  • I'm a noble adversary.
  • I'm going to take everything you have.
  • You could call this neighborhood robbery.
  • You should know not to talk to strangers.


  • Toon-Up
  • 10 Toon-Up (#) - Toons of the World, Toon-Up!
  • 20 Toon-Up (#) - Toons of the World, Toon-Up!
  • 40 Toon-Up (#) - Toons of the World, Toon-Up!
  • 80 Toon-Up (#) - Toons of the World, Toon-Up!
  • Max Toon-Up (#) - Toons of the World, Toon-Up!
  • Gag-Up
  • Gag-Up Toon-Up (#) - Toons of the World, Gag-Up!
  • Gag-Up Trap (#) - Toons of the World, Gag-Up!
  • Gag-Up Lure (#) - Toons of the World, Gag-Up!
  • Gag-Up Sound (#) - Toons of the World, Gag-Up!
  • Gag-Up Throw (#) - Toons of the World, Gag-Up!
  • Gag-Up Squirt (#) - Toons of the World, Gag-Up!
  • Gag-Up Drop (#) - Toons of the World, Gag-Up!
  • Gag-Up All (#) - Toons of the World, Gag-Up!
  • Jellybeans
  • 100 jellybeans (#) - Toons of the World, Spend Wisely!
  • 200 jellybeans (#) - Toons of the World, Spend Wisely!
  • 350 jellybeans (#) - Toons of the World, Spend Wisely!
  • 600 jellybeans (#) - Toons of the World, Spend Wisely!
  • Promotions
  • 100 Cogbucks (#) - Toons of the World, Suit Up!
  • 200 Cogbucks (#) - Toons of the World, Suit Up!
  • 350 Cogbucks (#) - Toons of the World, Suit Up!
  • 600 Cogbucks (#) - Toons of the World, Suit Up!
  • Cartoonival
  • 25 tokens (#) - Toons of the World, Celebrate!


  • Hi!
  • Heya!
  • Hello!
  • Howdy!
  • Hi there!
  • Hi everybody!
  • Welcome to Toontown!
  • Hello?
  • Are you still here?


  • Bye!
  • Later!
  • See ya!
  • Have fun!
  • Good luck!
  • Have a nice day!
  • I'll be right back.
  • I'll be back later!
  • I need to go soon.
  • I need to go.

Chit Chat

  • Emoticons
  • :-)
  • :-(
  • :D
  • :C
  • :O
  • :P
  • >:)
  • >:C
  • What's up?
  • How are you?
  • Having fun?
  • What do you want to do?
  • Have you been here before?


  • Good
  • Toontastic!
  • Great!
  • Good.
  • Fine.
  • Bad
  • So-so.
  • Meh.
  • Not so good.
  • Terrible.
  • Happy
  • Yay!
  • Owooo!
  • Hooray!
  • Yippee!
  • Woo hoo!
  • Yee hah!
  • Wow!
  • Cool!
  • Sweet!
  • Oh boy!
  • Heh.
  • Haha!
  • Sad
  • Uh oh!
  • Oh no!
  • Yikes!
  • Drat!
  • Rats!
  • Ouch!
  • Oof!
  • No!!!
  • Huh?
  • And you?
  • You too!
  • Right back at you!
  • I'm not sure.
  • Me too.


  • Compliments
  • You rock!
  • You are awesome!
  • You are a genius!
  • You are a great friend!
  • Great teamwork!
  • You guys are great!
  • I Like Your...
  • Thanks!
  • No thank you.
  • Any time!
  • Sure!
  • I hear you!
  • No problem.
  • You're welcome!
  • That was fun!
  • Let's work together!
  • Would you like some help?
  • Want to be friends?
  • Can you help me?
  • Would you like some help?


  • Bugs
  • I'm stuck.
  • Send in a bug report.
  • I think I found a bug.
  • I hope they fix that soon!
  • I'm Busy...
  • Sorry, I'm busy right now. Maybe later?
  • Sorry, I can't talk right now!
  • Sorry, I'm in a building!
  • Sorry, I'm in a Cog battle!
  • Sorry, I'm busy fishing!
  • Sorry, I'm busy golfing!
  • Sorry, I'm busy gardening!
  • Sorry, I'm busy kart racing!
  • Sorry, I'm busy helping friends!
  • Sorry, I'm busy sitting on a bench!
  • I Need More...
  • Oops!
  • Sorry!
  • Sorry, I can't.
  • Sorry, I was delayed.
  • Sorry, I was disconnected.
  • Sorry, I had to leave unexpectedly.
  • Sorry, I hit the wrong button.
  • Sorry, my Friends List is full.
  • Sorry, my group is full.
  • Sorry, I'm looking for other Toons.
  • Sorry, I think this is too risky for you.
  • Sorry, I can't understand you.
  • Sorry, what did you say?
  • I can only use SpeedChat.


  • Hey!
  • You stink!
  • Stop that!
  • Please go away!
  • Don't be mean!
  • That wasn't nice!
  • That's not very Toony!


  • Playground
  • Districts
  • Specific
  • Let's go to Blam Canyon!
  • Let's go to Boingbury!
  • Let's go to Bounceboro!
  • Let's go to Fizzlefield!
  • Let's go to Gulp Gulch!
  • Let's go to Hiccup Hills!
  • Let's go to Kaboom Cliffs!
  • Let's go to Splashport!
  • Let's go to Splat Summit!
  • Let's go to Splatville!
  • Let's go to Thwackville!
  • Let's go to Whoosh Rapids!
  • Let's go to Zapwood!
  • Let's go to Zoink Falls!
  • Let's go to Welcome Valley!
  • The District is full!
  • There's a Cog invasion in this District!
  • Should we move to a different District?
  • Let's go to a different District!
  • I'm in a SpeedChat-only district.
  • Cogs
  • Estate
  • Let's go to my house!
  • Let's go to your house!
  • Can you come to my house?
  • Come check out my garden.
  • Let's go fishing at my house!
  • Parties
  • Let's go to a party.
  • See you at the party!
  • My party has started!
  • Come to my party!
  • Wait
  • Wait!
  • Wait here.
  • Wait for me!
  • Wait a minute.
  • Don't wait for me.
  • Let's catch the next one.
  • Let's wait for my friend.
  • Let's go!
  • This way.
  • Meet here.
  • Follow me.
  • Please stay nearby.
  • Which way?
  • Shall we go?
  • Where should we go?
  • Can you teleport to me?
  • Let's find other Toons.
  • Double-tap forward to sprint!


Phrases in "My Tasks" change depending on what ToonTasks a Toon has. If the Toon lacks any ToonTasks, two default phrases appear.

  • My Tasks
  • I'm not working on a ToonTask right now.
  • I need to get a ToonTask.
  • I Think You Should...
  • I think you should choose Toon-Up.
  • I think you should choose Sound.
  • I think you should choose Drop.
  • I think you should choose Trap.
  • I think you should choose Lure.
  • What ToonTask are you working on?
  • Let's work on that.
  • This isn't what I'm looking for.
  • This isn't the right place.
  • This isn't what you need.
  • I'm going to look for that.
  • I found what you need.
  • It isn't on this street.
  • I haven't found it yet.

Silly Meter

Chants vary and appear when three Silly Teams are available. Clicking on a chant makes a Toon say its respective phrase.

  • Chants
  • Overjoyed Laff Meters - The best medicine is laughter! Vote for Overjoy, and live happily ever after!
  • Decreased Fish Rarity - Fishing every day keeps the Cogs at bay! Vote for fishing to help Toontown, I say!
  • Double Jellybeans - Jellybeans Jellybeans, more more more! Vote for them to find double in the store!
  • Speedy Garden Growth - Grow your Gardens super quick, vote for gardening and you can garden 'till you're sick!
  • Double Racing Tickets - Start your engines, it's time to race! Vote for racing with a smile on your face!
  • Global Teleport Access - From the Brrrgh to Donald's Dock, vote for teleport and move in a fraction of the clock!
  • Doodle Trick Boost - A happy Doodle is a Toon's best friend, vote for Doodles and less time you will spend!
  • Double Toon-Up Experience - Gags for you, gags for all! Vote for gags to grow your collection tall!
  • Double Trap Experience - Gags for you, gags for all! Vote for gags to grow your collection tall!
  • Double Lure Experience - Gags for you, gags for all! Vote for gags to grow your collection tall!
  • Double Sound Experience - Gags for you, gags for all! Vote for gags to grow your collection tall!
  • Double Throw Experience - Gags for you, gags for all! Vote for gags to grow your collection tall!
  • Double Squirt Experience - Gags for you, gags for all! Vote for gags to grow your collection tall!
  • Double Drop Experience - Gags for you, gags for all! Vote for gags to grow your collection tall!
  • Let's go see the Silly Meter!
  • Let's go raise Toontown's Silly Levels!
  • What Silly Team are you on?
  • I haven't joined a Silly Team yet.
  • I can feel the Silly Levels rising!


  • Strategy
  • Gags
  • Got gags?
  • I need more gags.
  • I have enough gags.
  • You need more gags.
  • Let's use Toon-Up!
  • Let's use Trap!
  • Let's use Lure!
  • Let's use Sound!
  • Let's use Throw!
  • Let's use Squirt!
  • Let's use Drop!
  • I'm Going to...
  • I'm going to use Toon-Up.
  • I'm going to use Trap.
  • I'm going to use Lure.
  • I'm going to use Sound.
  • I'm going to use Throw
  • I'm going to use Squirt.
  • I'm going to use Drop.
  • I'm going to use a level 7 gag.
  • I'm going to use an SOS Card.
  • I'm going to use a unite.
  • I'm going to use a Cog summons.
  • I'm going to use a pink slip.
  • I'm going to use a Remote Control.
  • I'm going to call for help.
  • I'm going to pass.
  • I Don't Have...
  • I don't have Toon-Up.
  • I don't have Trap.
  • I don't have Lure.
  • I don't have Sound.
  • I don't have Throw.
  • I don't have Squirt.
  • I don't have Drop.
  • I don't have a doodle.
  • I don't have an SOS card.
  • I don't have a unite.
  • I don't have a Cog summons.
  • I don't have a pink slip.
  • I don't have a Remote Control.
  • I don't have anyone to call for help.
  • You Should Use...
  • Toon-Up
  • You should use Toon-Up next turn.
  • You should use Toon-Up on the left
  • You should use Toon-Up on the middle-left Toon.
  • You should use Toon-Up on the middle Toon.
  • You should use Toon-Up on the middle-right Toon.
  • You should use Toon-Up on the right Toon.
  • Trap
  • You should use Trap next turn.
  • You should use Trap on the left Cog.
  • You should use Trap on the middle-left Cog.
  • You should use Trap on the middle Cog.
  • You should use Trap on the middle-right Cog.
  • You should use Trap on the right cog.
  • Lure
  • You should use Lure next turn.
  • You should use Lure on the left Cog.
  • You should use Lure on the middle-left Cog.
  • You should use Lure on the middle Cog.
  • You should use Lure on the middle-right Cog.
  • You should use Lure on the right Cog.
  • You should use Lure on all of the Cogs.
  • Sound
  • You should use Sound.
  • You should use Sound next turn.
  • You should use Sound to unlure the Cogs.
  • You should use Sound after the Cogs are unlured.
  • Throw
  • You should use Throw next turn.
  • You should use Throw on the left Cog.
  • You should use Throw on the middle-left Cog.
  • You should use Throw on the middle Cog.
  • You should use Throw on the middle-right Cog.
  • You should use Throw on the right Cog.
  • Squirt
  • You should use Squirt next turn.
  • You should use Squirt on the left Cog.
  • You should use Squirt on the middle-left Cog.
  • You should use Squirt on the middle Cog.
  • You should use Squirt on the middle-right Cog.
  • You should use Squirt on the right Cog.
  • Drop
  • You should use Drop next turn.
  • You should use Drop on the left Cog.
  • You should use Drop on the middle-left Cog.
  • You should use Drop on the middle Cog.
  • You should use Drop on the middle-right Cog.
  • You should use Drop on the right Cog.
  • Don't Use
    • Don't use Toon-Up.
    • Don't use Trap.
    • Don't use Lure.
    • Don't use Sound.
    • Don't use Throw.
    • Don't use Squirt
    • Don't use Drop.
    • Don't use a doodle.
    • Don't use a level 7 gag.
    • Don't use an SOS Card.
    • Don't use a unite.
    • Don't use a Cog summons.
    • Don't use a pink slip.
    • Don't use a Remote Control.
  • You should pass.
  • I need a Toon-Up.
  • You should use a different gag.
  • You should choose a different Cog.
  • Let's all go for the same Cog.
  • Go for the weakest Cog first.
  • Go for the strongest Cog first.
  • Save your powerful gags.
  • Don't use sound on lured Cogs.
  • Taunts
  • Catch!
  • Missed me!
  • Bring it on!
  • I'm SO scared!
  • Rock and roll!
  • That was easy!
  • Piece of cake!
  • Special delivery!
  • That's gotta hurt.
  • That's going to leave a mark!
  • We can do this!
  • You did it!
  • We did it!
  • Run!
  • Help!
  • Hurry!
  • We are in trouble.


  • One more?
  • Play again?
  • Let's play again.
  • I like this game!
  • I'm not very good at this game.
  • I need more jellybeans.

Event phrases


The following phrases are enabled during St. Patrick's Day.

  • It's easy to be green!
  • Visit Green Bean Jeans and you can be green too!
  • It's on Oak Street in Daisy Gardens.


The following phrases are enabled during Cartoonival.

  • Activities
    • Throw pies at the Cogs to change the Cartoonival Tower!
    • Let's go for a spin around the Cartoonival Tower!
    • We need to work together to dunk the Duck Tank!
    • Who wants to dunk Cleff with me?
    • Have you found any bean bags?
  • Tokens
    • Are you saving up for a prize?
    • You can get prizes from Token Takers with the Cartoonival Tokens!
    • I wonder what I should buy with all these tokens?
    • I've heard these Cartoonival Tokens are made out of chocolate...
    • Time to get a prize with my Cartoonival Tokens!
  • Games
    • I'm going to hop on the Trampolines.
    • I'm going to go play with the Cannons.
    • Let's play games on the picnic tables!
  • Have you met Riggy Marole yet?
  • The Cartoonival Grounds are so festive!
  • I love the festivities of Cartoonival!
  • Let's go to Cartoonival!


The following phrases are enabled during Halloween.

  • Happy Halloween!
  • Trick or Treat!
  • Are you hunting for the Pumpkin Head Curse?
  • That's the last time I trust a wizard...
  • I declare with all my might that I shall be a Pumpkin tonight!


The following phrases are enabled during the Winter Holiday.

  • Happy Holidays!
  • Merry Christmas!
  • Have a Wonderful Winter!
  • Caroling
  • Deck the halls with seltzer spray! Happy Winter Holiday!
  • Load some pies into your sleigh! Happy Winter Holiday!
  • The trees are brighter than light of day! Happy Winter Holiday!
  • Snowman heads are hot today! Happy Winter Holiday!
  • Toontown's merry come what may! Happy Winter Holiday!
  • Lure good cheer the Toontown way! Happy Winter Holiday!

Removed phrases


The following phrases were removed following the conclusion of the Toon Council Presidential Elections and Toontown Rewritten's Alpha stage.

  • Who are you voting for?
  • I'm flipping for Flippy!
  • Clobber the competition! Flip for Flippy!
  • Don't be wacky - Vote for Slappy!
  • Jump for joy? Why not Jellybeans?
  • I'm loving the election decorations!


The following phrases were removed after Toontown Rewritten opened to the public.

  • Bugs
  • I found a bug over here.
  • Be careful! That's buggy.
  • Sorry, my game crashed.
  • Welcome to Toontown Rewritten!
  • Found any bugs yet?
  • How many times have you crashed?
  • Have you voted for the next update yet?
  • Do you have a Toonbook?
  • Smile! I'm livestreaming!


  • Joey stated that a few sections had their name changed to sound clearer, like changing the name of "Emotions" to "Animations".
