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Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters was a major event that commenced on July 31, 2015, and ended on August 31, 2015. After the Toon Resistance managed to slow down the production of the Sellbot Factory, they found the perfect opportunity to invade Sellbot Headquarters. The event underwent five phases from an unexpected Mover & Shaker Mega-Invasion to an extended operation time.

Storming Sellbot Headquarters

Resistance Outpost

At the heart of Sellbot Headquarters, the Toon Resistance managed to secure their own "Resistance Outpost" comprised of crates and gag barrels. Near the Resistance Outpost, Toons could find Lord Lowden Clear and several Resistance Rangers such as Rocky, Loopy Loopenloop, and Goofenshmirtz across the headquarters.

Toon Resistance ToonTasks

Toon Resistance ToonTasks arrived to offer exclusive rewards that Toons could not receive at any other time. Toons could complete the limited-time ToonTasks to earn all sorts of rewards, such as double gag experience, Sellbot Cog Disguise parts, Merits, portable Throw gags, random assortment of low-tier SOS cards, five-star Throw and Squirt SOS cards from Rocky and Loopy Loopenloop, and exclusive clothing and accessories.

The Toon Resistance expected Toons to complete their ToonTasks in due time to ensure that the operation was a success. Once their takeover of Sellbot Headquarters concluded on August 31, 2015, the ToonTasks expired and Toons were unable to claim their rewards.

Battle against the Vice President

Toons of any laff without their own Sellbot Cog Disguise received a Sellbot Rental Suit to infiltrate the Sellbot Towers and battle the Vice President. Some Toon Resistance ToonTasks also involved helping a certain number of Rental Toons defeat the Vice President.


Date Event
July 24, 2015
Lord Lowden Clear gives a formal briefing on Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters and presents his first Toon Resistance trainee footage.[1]
July 31, 2015
Rocky reports in with an announcement regarding a sudden Mega-Invasion of Mover & Shakers and introduces "Phase One" of Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters to clear the Sellbot Headquarters courtyard of invading Cogs.[2]
August 1, 2015
Goofenshmirtz reports in with "Phase Two" of Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters to deploy crates and gag barrels in Sellbot Headquarters.[3]
Date Update
August 2, 2015
Loopy Loopenloop reports in with "Phase Three" of Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters to deploy Sellbot Rental Suits for all Toons. An update was released to introduce gag barrels, Sellbot Rental Suits, and a weakened Vice President boss battle.[4]
August 8, 2015
Lord Lowden Clear announces that he and the Resistance Rangers arrived to Sellbot Headquarters to begin offering new ToonTasks, thus starting "Phase Four" of Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters.[5] The update included:
August 19, 2015
Flippy announces that many Sellbots were defeated by Toons and decided that it was high time to integrate "Phase Five" of Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters by extending the event to last until August 30th.[6] The update included:
  • The second set of Toon Resistance ToonTasks that offered the following rewards:
  • Tweaks to Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters such as the ability to delete Toon Resistance ToonTasks and for Toons to teleport back to Sellbot Headquarters after a Vice President run.


  • Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters was first teased at OMG!Con 2015 with a trailer video.
  • In Toontown Online, a similar event originally took place from August 25th to September 21st in 2010, after doodles escaped from Daisy Gardens' Pet Shop and one doodle particularly named "Sparky" chewed the wires of the Sellbot Towers.



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