Blog posts (2015)
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This page lists blog posts that were published on Toontown Rewritten's website during the year of 2015.
The New Years Top Toons Marathon is ON!
Sir Max announces the New Year's Top Toons Marathon and explains how it plays out.
Launching the Ludicrous Linux Launcher
The Linux build of Toontown Rewritten is released, as announced by Fat McStink.
The New Years Top Toons Marathon Winners!
Winners of the New Year's Top Toons Marathon are announced by Sir Max.
Backstage: Tweaks to Toontown
The Toontown Rewritten Team give a backstage overview on an update that focuses on tweaks to Toontown.
Writer's Blockade
Sir Max sets up a writer's blockade around the Toontown Times building for a strike.
Toontown Tweaks: The Start of Something Hue
Shockley introduces new Toon colors as part of the Toontown Tweaks update.
Toontown Tweaks: Grinding Gears in the Cog HQs
Lord Lowden Clear announces tweaks to incentives around Cog headquarters as part of the Toontown Tweaks update.
Toontown Tweaks: Probably Probable Probabilities
Hawkheart announces tweaks to fishing as part of the Toontown Tweaks update.
Toontown Tweaks: How Many Clicks to the Center?
Lil Oldman announces tweaks to Street M.A.P.S. and Toontown's battle system as part of the Toontown Tweaks update.
Toontown has been Tweaked!
Clerk Clara announces the release of the Toontown Tweaks update.
Introducing Team LHAAFBBHQ
Team LHAAFBBHQ make their debut in a mini-comic as they are recruited by Lord Lowden Clear to search for Bossbot Headquarters.
Happy ValenToons Day!
Sir Max celebrates ValenToon's Day and addresses a card to himself.
Meet the Toons of Team LHAAFBBHQ!
The members of Team LHAAFBBHQ are introduced to be Captain Rollie Dandysnooker, Colonel Violet Supergrooven, Prof. Von Fumblesplat, and Silly Lily Gigglesnout.
Team LHAAFBBHQ: Dreaming of Bossbots
Team LHAAFBBHQ and Good ol' Gil Giggles pay a visit to Whispering Willow at Talking in Your Sleep Voice Training.
Team LHAAFBBHQ: The Ginormous Golfer
Team LHAAFBBHQ are handed a letter by Whispering Willow to bring to Detective Lima and depart from Talking in Your Sleep Voice Training shortly before the Cogs could arrive.
Head Hunters Hunt for Team LHAAFBBHQ!
Version 2.0 Head Hunters unleash a Mega-Invasion to hunt for Team LHAAFBBHQ.
Happy Pi(e) Day!
Flippy wishes a happy Pie Day.
Beware the Backstabbing Ides of March!
Back Stabbers unleash their annual Ides of March Mega-Invasion.
Get Happy for the Double Bean Days
Double Bean Days arrive, lasting from Friday until Sunday.
The Chatless Update Rides Again
Fat McStink announces The Chatless Update 2 that brings chatless Toons and further improvements to SpeedChat.
Team LHAAFBBHQ: Peculiar Plans?
Team LHAAFBBHQ finds a memo from the Chief Executive Officer who was inviting the Chief Financial Officer to attend a banquet in Bossbot Headquarters, and along with the memo was a ripped piece of a peculiar picture showing the Bossbot Clubhouse.
BBQHQ Has Been Found!
Flippy discovers the rumored Barbecue Headquarters and encourages Toons to battle the Cogs there.