
From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

An Uber is a Toon who typically has low laff and high-level gags. They usually gain five laff points by leveling their Sellbot Cog Disguise and participating in Vice President battles, while preventing themselves from obtaining further laff points.


The term "Uber" and its associated concept occurred in the earliest days of Toontown Online. Originally coined as a term to describe Toons who were skilled at the game and well-respected amongst the Toontown community[1][2], it shortly adapted into the term "Uber Noob", which eventually shortened to just "Uber".[3] Due to a bug present in Toontown Online before December 1, 2004, Toons were able to strategically avoid the majority of laff boost ToonTasks[4][5], allowing for a perfect Uber of this time period to have 50 laff and six gag tracks.[6] This was beneficial, as a mandatory ToonTask at that point required Toons to help a Toon 50 laff or less progress through a Vice President battle.[7] However, such Ubers would often refuse to have their Sellbot Cog Disguise reach past level 19 Mr. Hollywood, with the intention of avoiding an increase towards their overall laff. Soon after said bug was patched, Toons changed their method of creating Ubers. While the original Ubers could still be found, they could not be made anymore. This led to the creation and defining of what the Toontown community now know as two-gag, three-gag, and four-gag Ubers. The primary focus of those Ubers turned to maxing their Sellbot Cog Disguise, which is a common Uber type.

Types of Ubers

Traditional Ubers

Below are the standard "Sellbot Ubers" that are most commonly referred to when discussing Ubers.

Uber type Description
Two-gag Uber Toons that usually have 15-20 laff, maxed Throw, and maxed Squirt.
Three-gag Uber Toons that usually have 25-30 laff, Throw, Squirt, and another gag track (Sound or Toon-Up).
Four-gag Uber Toons that usually have 34-39 laff, maxed Throw, maxed Squirt, and two other maxed gag tracks (typically Sound and Lure).
Sellbot Uber A catch-all term for Toons that usually have 15-39 laff and four gag tracks or less. They are named after the fact that their main field of progression is Sellbot Headquarters.

Unconventional Ubers

Below are types of Ubers that are technically classed under Uber or use the Uber moniker but are considered unconventional and sometimes even controversial.

Uber type Description
Cashbot Uber Toons that usually have 76-80 laff, a maxed Sellbot Cog Disguise, and a maxed Cashbot Cog Disguise.
"Tank" Uber Toons that have 2-4 gag tracks and a greater number of laff points earned from activities (fishing, golfing, racing, and gardening) in addition to maxing their Sellbot Cog Disguise whilst retaining low-level gags. For example, a "Tank" Uber can be a Toon who has 47 laff and only two gags.
Reverse Uber / Anti-Uber Toons that have extremely low-level gags compared to their laff, considering the direct antonym of a traditional Uber. They can reach 137 laff with only Throw gags up to level 5, Squirt gags up to level 3 (due to certain ToonTask requirements forcing Toons to obtain Squirt Gun and Whole Cream Pie), and the rest of their gags staying at level 1.
Semi-reverse Ubers / Semis Toons who are similar to Reverse Ubers but instead choose to train anywhere between levels 1-5 of their gag tracks, leaving their untrained tracks at level 1; this does not include Throw and Squirt, which must be trained to level 5 and level 4 respectively, as with Reverse Ubers. Semis are generally referred to by the tracks they lack (e.g. Trapless/Squirtless Semi) or the gags they carry (e.g. Trap/Drop/Toon-Up Semi).


  • Über is a word in German that means "over".
  • As of the release of the Silly Meter on March 6, 2019, the requirements to obtain a Silly Reader are to have at least 30 laff or at least one level 4 gag. This was possibly an intentional decision made by the Toontown Rewritten Team to include certain types of Ubers.
  • In Toontown Online, Reverse Ubers were sometimes referred to as Rebus (Uber spelled backward) or Anti-Ubers.[8]

