Sellbot Task Force ToonTasks/Change +1 level 7 gag carry capacity
After earning the Smasher Badge and the ability to carry one additional level 7 gag, Toons may visit Ripley in order to begin this ToonTask and change the carry capacity of their one additional level 7 gag if desired. This ToonTask is optional and considered extremely tedious to deter constant swapping of the level 7 gag.
- Visit Ripley (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
- Defeat 120 Cogs (Sellbot Factory, Sellbot Headquarters)
- Return to Ripley
- Defeat the Vice President (Sellbot Towers, Sellbot Headquarters)
- Return to Ripley
- Visit Ai Spai (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
- Find some Spilled Lima Beans in a Hidden Location
- Located outside Spill the Beans.
- Return some Spilled Lima Beans to Detective Lima (Spill the Beans, Oak Street, Daisy Gardens)
- One of the following:
- Return to Detective Lima
- Deliver a Cog Building Bank to Ai Spai
- Find 2 Antisillion Batteries in a Hidden Location
- Located in the Blizzard Boulevard race track in Goofy Speedway.
- Return 2 Antisillion Batteries to Samantha Spade (Trellis the Truth! Private Investigators, Maple Street, Daisy Gardens)
- Recover 8 Cogspeak Clips from the Cogs (Cog Buildings, Anywhere)
- Return to Samantha Spade
- Defeat 30 level 13+ Cogs (Anywhere)
- Return to Samantha Spade
- Deliver a Cog Building Case File to Naggy Nell (Honeydew This, Oak Street, Daisy Gardens)
- Defeat 5 Boss Cogs (Anywhere)
- Return to Naggy Nell
- Deliver a Cog Building Case File to Ai Spai
- Visit Bonnie Bubbles (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
- Earn 400 jellybeans on the Trolley in the playground
- Return to Bonnie Bubbles
- One of the following:
- Defeat The Factory Foreman (Sellbot Factory, Sellbot Headquarters)
- Defeat The Mint Auditor (Cashbot Mints, Cashbot Headquarters)
- Defeat The Office Clerk (Lawbot DA Offices, Lawbot Headquarters)
- Defeat The Club President (Bossbot Golf Courses, Bossbot Headquarters)
- Return to Bonnie Bubbles
- Visit Doctor Googlymoogly (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
- Recover an Animation Cel from level 20+ Cogs (Sellbot Field Offices, Anywhere)
- Return to Doctor Googlymoogly
- Deliver an Animation Cel to Lil Oldman (The Blizzard Wizard, Walrus Way, The Brrrgh)
- Go fishing for a Needle (Anywhere)
- Return to Lil Oldman
- One of the following:
- Defeat the Vice President (Sellbot Towers, Sellbot Headquarters)
- Defeat The Boiler (Sellbot Field Offices, Anywhere)
- Return to Lil Oldman
- Go fishing for 14 Engagement Rings (Anywhere)
- Return to Lil Oldman
- Deliver a Magical Animation Cel to Doctor Googlymoogly
- Visit Ripley
- Recover Rocky's Rubber Stamp from Glad Handers (Anywhere)
- Return to Ripley
- Find 3 Loud & Clear Letters in a Hidden Location
- The first Loud & Clear Letter is located in the Sellbot Headquarters courtyard by the pit.
- The second Loud & Clear Letter is located in the Sellbot Factory lobby area.
- The third Loud & Clear Letter is located inside the Sellbot Towers lobby area.
- Return to Ripley
- Go to Daisy Gardens, Inc. (Kaboomberg district)
- Return to Ripley (Kaboomberg, Daisy Gardens, Inc.)
- Recover The Lord Lowden Clearance from The Boiler (Sellbot Field Offices, Daisy Gardens, Inc.)
- Return to Ripley (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
- Deliver The Lord Lowden Clearance to Toon Resistance Operator (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
- One of the following:
- Visit Ripley
- Visit Doctor Googlymoogly
- Visit Bonnie Bubbles
- Visit Ai Spai
- Choose a level 7 gag