Sellbot Task Force ToonTasks/Change +1 level 7 gag carry capacity

From Toontown Rewritten Wiki

After earning the Smasher Badge and the ability to carry one additional level 7 gag, Toons may visit Ripley in order to begin this ToonTask and change the carry capacity of their one additional level 7 gag if desired. This ToonTask is optional and considered extremely tedious to deter constant swapping of the level 7 gag.


  1. Visit Ripley (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
  2. Defeat 120 Cogs (Sellbot Factory, Sellbot Headquarters)
  3. Defeat a Vice President (Sellbot Towers, Sellbot Headquarters)
  4. Visit Ai Spai (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
  5. Find some Spilled Lima Beans in a Hidden Location
  6. Return some Spilled Lima Beans to Detective Lima (Spill the Beans, Oak Street, Daisy Gardens)
  7. One of the following:
  8. Return to Detective Lima
  9. Deliver a Cog Building Bank to Ai Spai
  10. Find 2 Antisillion Batteries in a Hidden Location
  11. Return 2 Antisillion Batteries to Samantha Spade (Trellis the Truth! Private Investigators, Maple Street, Daisy Gardens)
  12. Recover 8 Cogspeak Clips from the Cogs (Cog Buildings, Anywhere)
  13. Return to Samantha Spade
  14. Defeat 30 level 13+ Cogs (Anywhere)
  15. Return to Samantha Spade
  16. Deliver a Cog Building Case File to Naggy Nell (Honeydew This, Oak Street, Daisy Gardens)
  17. Defeat 5 Boss Cogs (Anywhere)
  18. Return to Naggy Nell
  19. Deliver a Cog Building Case File to Ai Spai
  20. Visit Bonnie Bubbles (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
  21. Earn 400 jellybeans on the Trolley in the playground
  22. Return to Bonnie Bubbles
  23. One of the following:
  24. Return to Bonnie Bubbles
  25. Visit Doctor Googlymoogly (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
  26. Recover an Animation Cel from level 20+ Cogs (Sellbot Field Offices, Anywhere)
  27. Return to Doctor Googlymoogly
  28. Deliver an Animation Cel to Lil Oldman (The Blizzard Wizard, Walrus Way, The Brrrgh)
  29. Go fishing for a Needle (Anywhere)
  30. Return to Lil Oldman
  31. Defeat a Vice President (Sellbot Towers, Sellbot Headquarters)
  32. Return to Lil Oldman
  33. Go fishing for 14 Engagement Rings (Anywhere)
  34. Return to Lil Oldman
  35. Deliver a Magical Animation Cel to Doctor Googlymoogly
  36. Visit Ripley
  37. Recover Rocky's Rubber Stamp from Glad Handers (Anywhere)
  38. Return to Ripley
  39. Find 3 Loud & Clear Letters in a Hidden Location
    • The first Loud & Clear Letter is located in the Sellbot Headquarters courtyard by the pit.
    • The second Loud & Clear Letter is located in the Sellbot Factory lobby area.
    • The third Loud & Clear Letter is located inside the Sellbot Towers lobby area.
  40. Return to Ripley
  41. Go to Daisy Gardens, Inc. (Kaboomberg district)
  42. Return to Ripley (Kaboomberg, Daisy Gardens, Inc.)
  43. Recover The Lord Lowden Clearance from The Boiler (Sellbot Field Offices, Daisy Gardens, Inc.)
  44. Return to Ripley (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
  45. Deliver The Lord Lowden Clearance to a Toon Resistance Operator (Sellbot Task Force Hideout, Sellbot Headquarters)
  46. Visit Bonnie Bubbles
  47. Choose a level 7 gag